I sighed. “It’s complicated.”

Liam glanced at me from the rearview mirror. “Seemed pretty straightforward from where I stood. Zoey saw something she didn’t like. Care to share?”

I leaned back. “Not now, Liam. Let’s just get Zoey home.”

The ride was silent, save for the hum of the engine and the soft patter of snow against the windows. Our group had a lot to sort out once we returned to our cabin.

But as soon as we arrived back at the cabin, Zoey said she just wanted to go to bed.

If she didn’t want to talk to me, I certainly didn’t want to hash it out with Bodhi and Liam. I headed to bed, too, and hoped we could work it out in the morning.



Leaving the warmth of my bed felt like an act of betrayal to my body, especially after last night’s emotional turbulence. My feet hit the cold wooden floor as I pulled on a cozy sweater and trudged down the stairs, the memory of Vivienne’s lips pressed against Mason’s fresh in my mind.

I needed coffee. And maybe a muffin… or five. Comfort food seemed like a good idea.

But as I reached the bottom of the stairs, my steps faltered. Mason sat alone on the couch, his fingers idly playing with the frayed edges of a throw pillow. When he looked up, his brown eyes met mine, filled with hope and regret.

“Morning, Zoey.”

I gave a hesitant nod. “Morning.”

He cleared his throat, trying to dispel the tension. “Can we talk?”

Taking a deep breath, I went over and sat on the other end of the couch, maintaining a comfortable distance. “All right.”

He ran a hand through his hair, obviously searching for the right words. “About last night... Vivienne’s move was out of line. I pushed her away as soon as I realized what was happening. I never wanted that.”

I stared at the coffee table, the patterns in the wood grain suddenly fascinating. Each swirl and knot seemed to hold a story, and for a moment, it felt easier to lose myself in those than face the awkward tension. “I know I shouldn’t feel like I have a claim over you, especially given our... unique arrangement. But seeing that hurt.”

Mason sighed deeply, rubbing the back of his neck. “Vivienne... She and I were intense, but not in a good way. It was one of those relationships where love and toxicity mingled until I couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. I stayed longer than I should have, thinking I could change things. But eventually, I just walked away, and I don’t regret it.” He looked genuinely remorseful, his eyes darting to mine and then away. “I had no idea she’d be there last night, and if I’d known, I would’ve never suggested we go over there. The last thing I wanted was to dredge up old memories, especially not with you there.”

“Why was she there? Isn’t it strange that two of your friends are taking trips with your ex-girlfriend?”

He clenched his jaw and took a deep, steadying breath. “Vivienne and Trevor are childhood friends. They’ve known each other for years. But yes, it’s a little... complicated. But I haven’t had a run-in with her since our break-up. He should have known to warn me. It was a dick move, but who knows what she’s said to him. He probably thought I’d be happy to see her.”

My defenses began to crumble, his sincerity acting as a balm to the sting I’d felt. “It’s hard, Mason. Our situation, it’s not conventional. And while it’s new and exciting, it’s also terrifying. I mean, what are the rules here? We haven’t defined them.”

He shifted closer, the space between us closing inch by inch. “That’s true. And maybe it’s time we start defining them.” His voice softened. “I don’t know where this is going, but I know that right now, I don’t want anybody else. I like the arrangement the four of us have right now.” The raw vulnerability in his eyes told me that he was being sincere.

My eyebrows rose in surprise. “Why?” I couldn’t help but wonder about the logistics, the dynamics, and, most importantly, the emotions involved.

Mason ran a hand through his hair again, a gesture I was coming to recognize as him preparing to dive into deeper territory. “With you, with Bodhi and Liam... there’s a synergy, a balance. We all bring something unique to the table, and together, it just... clicks.”

“But are we just going to keep doing this?” I pressed. “Especially given that there are three of you. I don’t want to come between the three of you, and even more importantly, I don’t want my brother to hate you guys.”

He looked at me, his dark eyes holding a depth of emotion. “We’re aware of the complexities, Zoey. And none of us want to jeopardize what we have with you or our friendship with each other. As for your brother, we respect that relationship and wouldn’t want to put it in harm’s way. Right now, all we know is that this connection feels real, and we want to see where it leads—even if it can’t be long-term.”

The intensity of his words took me aback. The notion that three men felt this way about me was overwhelming. Yes, they had known me since I was in fourth grade and they were in sixth grade, but this was all so new.

He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. “We like the idea of a platonic bond between the three of us while forging a romantic commitment to you. It’s like creating our own little family.”

His vulnerability touched me, drawing me in. I found myself moving closer, seeking the warmth and solace of his side. “And Eric?” The significance of the question hung in the air.

Mason sighed. “We’ve known Eric since middle school. He’s not just a friend to us; he’s family. So, yes, that adds a layer of complexity.”