Bodhi nodded slowly. “I care about her, too. A lot.”

The weight of our collective confessions hung in the air. Three grown men, all having feelings for the same woman. It was an unthinkable situation, yet here we were.

“We’ve been through a lot together,” I started, my voice barely above a whisper. “We’re like family. And the thought of jeopardizing that scares the hell out of me.”

Mason ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, but what scares me more is Eric finding out.”

Bodhi steepled his fingers and leaned back. “He’d kill us—in very creative ways.”

“I can’t believe we’re even contemplating any sort of involvement with her,” I admitted.

“Contemplating getting involved with her?” Mason asked. “I think we have all crossed the line of contemplating anything. I know you two fucked her.”

Bodhi arched a brow. “And I think the entire state of Montana heard the two of you in your room last night after dinner.”

It was true. After we’d eaten and finished decorating the tree, Mason and Zoey couldn’t wait to be alone. Their noises made me want to join in on the fun, but Mason and I had never shared a woman before. Actually, before Zoey, Bodhi and I had never shared a woman, either.

Mason looked pensive. “It’s not just about us, though. It’s about her. How would she feel about this? Being with all of us?”

“It’s unusual territory, for sure,” Bodhi mused. “But you can’t help who you care about. And if she feels even a fraction for us as we do for her, I think we just go with it.”

“Maybe she feels nothing,” Mason said. “Maybe she just broke up with her boyfriend and then fucked around with us because she’s bored. Don’t assume that she wants anything.”

“We’re here for three more weeks,” Bodhi said, addressing both Mason and me. “Obviously, this can’t be something permanent, but for the duration of our visit, let’s just have some fun. Zoey really seems into it, too.”

Mason murmured, “I hope so.”

I was caught off guard. It was uncharacteristic of Mason to show such vulnerability, and I wasn’t even sure if he intended to voice that aloud.

We sat in contemplative silence, the weight of our feelings and the gravity of our situation pressing down on us.

“Are we ready for the jealousy that might come with this?” I finally asked. “It’s one thing to talk about it, but emotions can be unpredictable.”

Bodhi scoffed. “Look, I’m not saying it won’t be a challenge. But we’ve always had each other’s backs. It’s going to be fine.”

He was right. “And like you said, Bodhi, this is definitely not something we can do long-term. We are just having some fun. I think we can handle it.”

Mason raised an eyebrow. “But can we handlesharingher?”

I looked at both of them, two of my closest friends, my brothers in all but blood. “The way I see it, if we see each other as family, then isn’t this just... an extension of that family? Being in a platonic relationship with each other, while also being in a sexual relationship with someone we all care about?”

They both seemed to ponder this for a moment.

“I’ve never been the sharing type,” Bodhi admitted, “but for Zoey, I’d be willing to try. And I can’t explain it, but I don’t feel jealous about you guys being with her, too.”

Mason nodded in agreement. “Same here. But if anyone else lays a hand on her, I’ll beat the shit out of them.”

Bodhi gave him a firm clap on the shoulder, offering him his support. “I give you full permission to act on that.”

We all sat in a mutual understanding, our bond only deepening with our shared feelings for Zoey.

Bodhi shifted in his seat, his thoughtful gaze focused on a distant point. “What about Eric?”

The magnitude of the unspoken concern about our best friend—and Zoey’s brother—loomed over us.

I let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, that’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?”

Mason ran a hand through his hair, showing a rare hint of unease. “If and when we tell him, it has to be together. But if this isn’t going to be a permanent thing, does he really need to know?”