“Reflex, I guess.” Alex shrugged, adjusting his glasses. “Dyslexia makes me work harder in classes with lots of reading.”
“Try again.” Ethan made a buzzer sound.
“I’m serious.” Alex touched the cover of the paperback before placing it in his backpack. “No matter what, I’m still sitting at a B in this class. It’s tanking my GPA.”
Ethan blew a raspberry. “You think the tech geeks you aspire to become give a shit about literary criticism? Isn’t that the perk of being a computer science major? Not having to read?”
Alex chuckled, slipping on the navy blazer that had betrayed him earlier. “I just wish this stuff was as intuitive to me as coding.”
“Intuitive, my left nut. You’re trying to impress Professor Atlas Arms.”
“You’ve noticed those too?” Alex laughed.
“Those forearms have converted a lot of literature majors, I’m sure.” Ethan’s dark eyes danced with amusement. “Seriously, though, you impressed Everett today. Maybe the key to raising your grade is raising the professor’s dangling modifier.”
Alex blinked. “I don’t know what that means, but it sounds gross.”
“Fine, fine. If you get to speak in code, I get to speak like an anthropologist.” Ethan slung the backpack over his shoulder. “Maybe Everett wants to map your social terrain.”
“Shut up.” Alex laughed.
“Excavate your hidden meanings?” Ethan asked as they made their way up the aisle of the stately hall. “Unearth your artifact of interest?”
With a resigned sigh, Alex absorbed his friend’s good-natured teasing, even if it was over an imaginary infatuation. Ethan didn’t know what he was talking about, and neither did the wet spot in Alex’s boxer shorts.
Yet, Alex watched Professor Everett gather his notes from the lectern. Dr. Gray, sophisticated, well-dressed, and handsome, approached. He patted Everett’s shoulder, and the two colleagues chatted with what appeared to be familiarity.More than professional familiarity?
Alex turned back, frowning, his stomach twisting. It wasn’t like him to feel envious of someone else’s connection. “Get a grip,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s just a conversation.”
“You say something?”
Exhaling his annoyance, Alex searched for a less problematic focal point. He instead landed on Travis, who strode past them with confident, loping steps. Head high, shoulders pulled back, Travis moved with the brazen swagger of someone who demanded respect.
“What’s he up to now?” Ethan stopped to watch the spectacle
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Professor,” Travis said, stepping between the chatting colleagues, “but I’d like to offer you the opportunity to chair my undergraduate thesis.”
Alex studied how Travis’s focus flickered between the two men as if gauging their reactions. It annoyed him how effortlessly he commanded a room.
“The… uh,opportunity?” Everett asked, taking a small step back.
Travis continued, “Your scholarship and insight into literature is unparalleled, and I believe your guidance would be invaluable to my work.” He touched Everett’s forearm and squeezed, a gesture that made Alex grit his teeth.
“That’s certainly high praise, Mr. Spencer.” Everett gently extricated himself from his grasp. “Perhaps email me your proposal first.”
Travis removed a phone from his blazer. “Done!” He pressed a button that activated a swishing sound.
Everett gave a thin smile. “Allow me some time to review it, and we can discuss its merits further. During office hours.”
“Thank you, Professor.” Travis nodded curtly.
“Watch yourself, Bennett,” Ethan said in a low whisper. “You keep one-upping him in class, and he’ll take you out with his debate trophy.”
The image of Travis wielding a bloody trophy, earned through cut-throat literary sparring, made Alex roar with laughter. That caught the attention of Professors Gray and Everett, while Travis shot him an icy glare.
Everett tilted his head and gifted Alex with his infectious smile and that coveted eye lock. “Insightful observations today, Mr. Bennett. You’ve been quiet this semester, so I’m looking forward to your additional insights.”
Alex tried to respond, but only gurgling noises came out.