Page 10 of An Exclusive Game

Catering comes and goes, leaving instructions on what to serve when, and then I have nothing to do but wait for Alessa de Luca to show up.

I pour myself a glass of wine, more for the prop than the alcohol. The liquid courage will come in handy tonight. But I need my wits about me.

Settling onto the sofa, I will my nerves to settle. Breathe in for five seconds. Breathe out for seven. Kris Hays’s favorite meditation trick.

All too soon, the doorman’s desk calls up to alert me to Alessa’s arrival. “Please send my guest on up.” My voice sounds convincingly bright and welcoming to my ears.

I open the door before she knocks, not wanting to seem overeager, but informed enough to expect her arrival.

Alessa’s height surprises me again. Her commanding presence made her appear much taller. But she’s only about my height in reality, though the skyscraper heels give her another inch on me, maybe.

The rest of her is exactly as I remember. Long dark hair frames a face that could grace the front ofVogue. Full lips painted a deep red. Piercing green eyes rimmed with thick lashes. Her oxblood dress clings to every curve, the neckline plunging deep. Ruby earrings dangle from her ears, winking in the light.

Clearly, she understands how to use her assets to her advantage.

“Natalie.” She leans in to air-kiss me. “A pleasure to see you again.”

I step back, allowing her to brush past me into the foyer. The light scent of her perfume lingers in the air.

“The pleasure is mine. Please, make yourself comfortable.” I gesture toward the living area and bar cart. “Can I offer you a drink?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.” She walks further into the apartment, looking not at the view but at the interior. Already assessing. Taking stock. Then she heads to the sofa, settling gracefully against the cushion Patrick had been fussing over earlier, crossing her legs. The movement causes her dress to ride up slightly, exposing more of her toned thigh.

I quickly avert my gaze, and concentrate on pouring out two glasses of wine. She accepts hers with a gracious nod as I take a seat on the other side of the sofa.

“To new friends,” I say, injecting warmth into my tone as I hold up my glass in a toast.

Her smile widens. “I’ll drink to that.”

We both take a sip of our wine, eyes locked over the rims of our glasses. An undercurrent of anticipation hums in the air between us. Or maybe that’s just my imagination.

“Quite a place you have here. The view is magnificent.” Her eyes drift toward the floor-to-ceiling windows, though I suspect she is less interested in the cityscape than scoping the apartment’s security features.

“This place? Oh, it’s an old family property.” I take a small sip of wine. “It’s very beautiful, but I have to confess the gaudy trappings of wealth no longer impress me.”

“No?” One brow arches upwards. “I suppose wealth doesn’t seem to matter much when you can pay a hundred grand for a date.”

Heat blooms across my cheeks. She’s called my bluff and caught me off-guard. I grasp for a plausible cover.

“You’re quite right—I’m extremely privileged. But I wanted to make a meaningful contribution to your foundation. And I was eager to...get to know you better.” I infuse my voice with suggestive undertones on the last phrase.

My response earns me a throaty laugh. “Is that so? Well, you’ve certainly piqued my interest, Natalie. Though perhaps you won’t be here in the city for long, if your home is in Europe?”

“I’ve decided to make New York my permanent home. The energy here is addictive.”

And so is she, damn it. Being this close to her makes it hard to think. I take a larger gulp of wine to steel my nerves. “What about you? Have you always lived in New York?”

Alessa laughs, the sound low and musical. “Born and raised. I know every street and alley like the back of my hand.” She leans toward me conspiratorially. “All the best shortcuts too. The city holds no mysteries from me.”

“I don’t doubt that.” I force a light laugh in return. “Maybe you can show me your favorite hidden spots sometime.”

“Careful, I might just take you up on that.” She leans toward me, green eyes locked with mine. The heady floral scent of her perfume floods my senses once more. She’s close. Too close. My heart pounds against my ribs.

She reaches out and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, her fingers feather-light, lingering. And just as I’m certain she means to kiss me, she pulls back abruptly.

“Tell me Natalie, what is it you hope to gain from our acquaintance?” Her voice drops an octave lower. Smooth as velvet and just as rich.

I wet my suddenly dry lips before responding. “I’m not sure yet. But I suspect you and I could have a mutually beneficial friendship.”