Page 63 of Bullied Mate

Much of my life had been spent doing things by myself. Galanthia gave me the same impression, especially now that I was joining her in the shower. She awkwardly shuffled aside, giving me as much space as she could manage. Her shoulders crunched together as she bowed under the spout.

I laughed. “Let me adjust the height. Hang on.”

I reached above her head to fix the angle, giving her more from the stream. She gave me a thankful look as she circled my shoulders with her arms. “This is nice.”

“Didn’t I tell you I’d be nice?”

“I’m starting to understand what you mean by it.”

My hands went to her waist. I clutched her again, holding my breath as I dunked my head under the generous stream. We weren’t going to get much done like this, but I couldn’t help myself. Galanthia made me lose control even when I took control. The contrasting feeling was odd to embrace, and yet I did it despite the trouble.

She was worth the trouble. For now, at least.

Several minutes passed without us moving. Water poured over us, rivulets of delicate warmth carving streams into our bodies. After a bit, I grabbed the soap and lathered it up, trailing over her entirety, worshiping her in a way that felt unfamiliar regardless of its comfort. She let me clean her. And then when it was time, I let her do the same.

An hour must have passed in that shower. I turned off the water and stepped out, offering her a towel first before draping one around my own body. The two of us wandered into her bedroom where she rummaged around in her drawers for something to wear. Shorts and a tank top. That looked good on her. I liked it.

As soon as the two of us were dressed, she walked me to the door.

I leaned against the frame. “Can we do this again tomorrow?’

“You want to see me again?”

“Yeah, sure.”

She grinned suspiciously. “We haven’t argued. Should I be worried?”

“I can make you dinner and we can have a nice debate afterword.”

“Nice,” she repeated. “Is there a way to arguenicely?”

This word carousel was getting silly. I liked it, like I liked her outfits. “We can always figure it out for ourselves.”

“I think I like the sound of that.”

“Yeah, same.”

She reached for my hand. “Tomorrow night. Your place. You cook.”

“I’ll cook and I’ll argue.”

She chirped. “That sounds great.”


She kissed me lightly enough for my cock to feel offended. Once I sidled off the porch, I turned around and walked backward, feeling alive in ways that were confusing and alarming. I waved to her, skipped off toward the mailbox, and waved again. Teenagers were probably better at dates than me.

Well, teenagers probably had more experience.

On my way up the road, I thought about what had just happened. Four whole hours with Galanthia hadn’t produced one argument. It seemed like we were getting along. That made me timid to try our luck again, but I was too invested in seeing what would happen. Maybe she felt the same.

I hoped so.

Andres and Spencer were huddled on the couch with Leo. The three of them were playing a spirited racing game on the Xbox, nudging and pushing each other to try to outrace the other. I shook my head while wandering into the room. “Leo, it’s time to go.”

“One more race, Dad.”

“Alright, one more race.”