Page 55 of Bullied Mate

“I’ll be happy to assist.”

No, that was the worst thing I could have offered. The second I contacted his skin was the second I lamented my obedience. He hadn’t even asked me properly. What on earth had gotten into me, and how could I get it back to the earth?

Time seemingly turned into a vortex that swirled around us—all three of us. I hadn’t anticipated such a reaction, and it begged me to reconsider my tortured resistance to accepting my calling in this situation. Leo wanted a mother and I wanted to be his mother. No additional qualifications were needed.

Other than accepting Xavier as my mate, of course.

Xavier cupped my cheek. “You ready to go?”

“Is Leo ready?”

Neither of us was keen on discussing what had just happened, and that was perfectly fine by me. Any commentary on the matter would lead to another argument, I was sure.

I’d sworn off arguments today, and I didn’t want to be made into a liar, so I didn’t try to do anything other than turn to Leo and help him from the bed.

The corner chair harbored extra clothes for him which he eagerly yanked on. He grabbed my hand and hauled me to the door, limping slightly. Instinct told me to lift him. I carried him on one shoulder, marching through the lobby as he laughed.

He pointed forward. “I’m the commander general.”

“Commander General Leo, what would you like to do?”

“I’d like to see the sunflowers, please.”

“As you wish.”

Etta saluted us on the way out. If Xavier was mimicking us, it wasn’t clear because my ears were filled with the childish chuckles bubbling from Leo. His imagination was infectious, and I found myself entertaining every one of his whims. This flower needed tending and that one needed to be tapped with a kiss. Every task was achieved on our way back to my home where I could get into a fresh set of clothes.

I set him on the porch where I finally made eye contact with Xavier for the first time since we had left the health center.

“Can we come in?” he asked, and then rubbed his elbow like he had requested an extra cookie before dinner. “I mean, if it’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay.”

Leo waited for me to open the door. He respectfully walked through the living room with his hands in his pockets, silently surveilling whatever was on display. If he had a question, he asked it. That was what I cherished about him. He wasn’t afraid to ask about things.

Unlike his father, who seemed to want to assume things rather than ask. Bizarre how offspring resembled their parents only to an extent. For Xavier and Leo, it appeared their physical replication was a huge success. Their personalities, however, differed greatly. Leo had a remarkable curiosity about everything, including the things no one would have thought to be curious about.

Xavier timidly shuffled into the kitchen. “We’ll, uh, be right here.”

“I’ll be back shortly.”

Blissful awareness trotted after me. Xavier was in my house with his son. He was standing in my living room. He was inspecting my things like he hadn’t the slightest clue of them existing. Images of what we’d done in the forest ages ago sprang to life while I changed into a pair of yoga shorts and a halter top. I refreshed my socks. I grabbed a pair of sneakers and brought them with me to the living room.

Xavier stiffly sat on the couch. I could have laughed at his imitation of a statue. How awkward he appeared now that he wasn’t throwing game at every woman in the room. Did he truly not know how to treat people or was it just my company that stumped him?

I tied my sneakers in place and reached for Leo. “Ready.”

Xavier bounced from the couch and went to the door. Eager to leave, wasn’t he? Perhaps it was the environment that had done him in. Our smells had clogged the air enough to become a strange minty mixture of floral intoxication. To my credit, it wasn’t a terrible smell. It was just a lot at once.

Outside granted me relief. I hoisted Leo to my shoulders again, pleased at his small size. He must have been a runt back when he was a baby. Though I had the mind to ask, I wasn’t sure about Xavier’s feelings on discussing Leo’s prior ages.

Still, my interest won out as I strode alongside the wolf man. “Do you think our little Leo here will be tall one day?”

Leo held the sides of my head. “I want to be a giant like you, Galanthia.”

Xavier cackled. “Well, you might be tall like me, but that’s about it.”

“But you’re both the same kind of tall.”