Page 26 of Bullied Mate

“No, Mom. It’s not that. It’s just—”

“You must tell her how you feel before it’s too late.” She coughed, digging her nails into my forearm while trying to drag me closer to her. “Tell her the truth, Avi. Before it’s too late.”

Denial was my best friend while I helped my mother recover. She didn’t speak another word about mates or Galanthia, and she didn’t seem to mind when Leo crawled into her lap to cuddle. She fell asleep eventually, leaving me with her haunting warning ringing like a bell in my mind.

Chapter 9 - Galanthia

Puzzlement escorted me to my morning assignment. Pathways like the one I walked were quite relaxing, dewy petals waving in the morning breeze as I passed them by. Sunflowers towered over me at one point, creating a tunnel of amazement that consoled my weary mind.

That argument yesterday had left a sour taste in my mouth. Most days, Xavier was particularly difficult, and it stood to reason that he would lash out at some point over our failed coupling. However much I regretted our encounter, I didn’t see why he persisted in bullying me.

Such behavior was indicative of his past. Bullies like him thrived on being in control. Truthfully, regulation had a place in every setting, but he needed to understand that my life wasn’t for him to thumb. Every action I took for my pack was motivated by a selflessness I had learned in Estaria, and that applied to my respectful discourse with my alpha this morning.

To give me a break, she had assigned me to an older woman who was struggling with her health. She needed repairs done around the house and her dear nurse was pitifully useless in that regard. Relief washed through me the closer I got to her cabin, a renewed sense of purpose that I desperately needed.

Yes, my loving alpha had thwarted my pain today. For but a moment, I wouldn’t have to worry about running into a self-conscious brat of a supposedly grown man who got his rocks off on pushing women around. Women were fantastic company in this dimension. I looked forward to being around a sensible person for once.

Sandy steps lead to the front door. Upon knocking, the nurse answered promptly, ushering me into the cozy home belonging to a woman named Claire. Regardless of being frail and dainty from illness, Claire extended her hand for me to hold as a greeting. Lovely energy poured from her fingers. Energy that comforting was remarkably familiar—yet I hadn’t the strength to name it.

The nurse grinned. “I’m Bethany. I’ll be out for just an hour or two getting her groceries. Will you be alright?”

“I’m learned in the art of caretaking.”

Hesitance cast doubt upon her gaze. But she tightened her grin and headed for the door with a purse over her shoulder. “You sure?”

“Be most assured that this woman will have my full focus and attention while you’re out.”

Claire squeezed my hand in a tiny yet impressive way. “She’s a worrywart.”

“Aren’t we all at the best of times?”

Splendid joy echoed from her smile. “Yes, I believe that’s right. You sound like my son.”

The door squealed open. Bethany craned her neck back toward us. “You absolutely sure?”

“Stop babying me!” Claire exclaimed, and to her detriment, unfortunately.

I jumped into abrupt action before anyone could do anything else. I swept Bethany out the door with every assurance I could muster, wishing her a good time at the market, or wherever she was going. The moment I stepped back inside, I locked the door behind me, turning the lock with such resolve that Bethany would be able to hear the distinctclickof the latch sliding into place.

“Goodness,” Claire wheezed. I ran to her side, stroking her forearm while my fingertips glowed with golden light. She blinked rapidly. “Goodness.”

“That’s a bit of a recharge. I’m afraid I won’t be able to heal much more than that.”

She held up her hand. Indeed, her fingers had stopped quivering and the whole of her seemed to have gained more color. “I feel three years younger already.”

“So much more affordable than Olay, isn’t it?”

She tittered. “You definitely sound like my son.”

“Hopefully not in pitch.”

“Nowhere near his pitch. It’s so baritone. But you’re tall like him. You make similar jokes. He’d be clutching his sides if he were here.”

What a joy to hear she was finding comfort in my presence. That was my only goal today. “I look forward to meeting him one day.”

She gestured to the kitchen. “Bethany gets my tea by midmorning. After that, it’s sandwiches. I like watching my shows, so you can work on the bathroom while I do that.”

“A bossy lady.” I bowed my head. “I’m at your service today.”