Page 6 of Bullied Mate

“Stuff?” Anger bubbled in my gut. “Izdor, you shouldn’t eavesdrop on the good people in this pack. It’s rude!”

Crimson slathered his cheeks, clear bashfulness taking aim at his spirit. Shame would have been more appropriate, but I’d allow him to be bashful about his behavior instead. We were part of this realm now. I supposed we had to act the part.

He shrugged. “You know our ears are sensitive. We can’t help it. The magazine wasn’t doing much, so I listened around.”

“Yet you couldn’t hear my conversation with Raven.”

“She’s been wearing a new necklace lately. Is it an emerald stone?”

Another memory came into my mind. “Well, yes. She was wearing new jewelry today.”

“I believe it helps with the eavesdropping.”

“Ah, then that explains it—and it serves you right.”

With a smile like that lingering, I couldn’t help reflecting it. Izdor never could be serious, not on days when he was absolutely bored and injured. Honestly, the fact that he was laid up in the hospital for a bruise seemed a bit much.

My curiosity turned to crushing conviction. “Izzy, why have you wasted precious resources over a mere bruise?”

“Oh, uh, well…” He chuckled and gestured to his right leg. “I mean, it’s my leg as well. Darn thing just keeps acting up. Probably an old war injury.”

I stared flatly at him. “You’ve been healed of your injuries since our embarkment to this realm.” For a moment, he seemed embarrassed. “Is it Etta? Did you want to see her?”

He waved off the presumption. “No, Etta isn’t that interesting to me.”

A faint voice called from down the hall, “I heard that.”

With my eyebrow cocked high, I read my friend’s expression and energy. He was being honest about Etta.

He craned his neck and replied loudly, “Sorry, Etta!”

“By the way, Sadie won’t be in till later,” Etta explained as she sidled into the room. “You’ll be long gone by then.”

Izdor flushed. “Don’t you think it’s worth a second opinion?”

“Who’s Sadie?” I asked, thankful for the distraction. “A new nurse or something?”

“A volunteer,” Etta explained, “who comes in every so often. Izdor seems to have an injury whenever she comes in.”

I turned to my friend, the red in his cheeks enhanced by the newest information I had just acquired. “Ah, interesting.”

“Not nearly as interesting as whatever you discussed with Raven!”

Etta snorted with amusement, plucked the clipboard from the bedside table, and left the room. Izdor avoided my gaze. Whatever was going on in his head had affected his aura as well, inducing a swirling sense of confusion, guilt, and affection. He had a thing for this Sadie person. That much was clear.

But I wouldn’t pry just yet.

I tapped his hand lightly. “Raven wants me to help erect a glorious building for the pack to use.”

“What kind of building?”

“A gym. It’ll have the latest exercise equipment, various rooms for classes, and a small daycare center.”

Izdor smiled warmly. “That’s actually a good idea. Your wolf friend has a young one.”

“Never mind him.”

“I suppose we both have our entanglements.”