Page 20 of Bullied Mate

“Goddess, please,” I begged, “make it stop…”

Mercy wouldn’t come to me soon enough, for along with the barrage of recollections came the image one particular scene that hurt me more than the actual memories. Too recent, it sat with everything else, piled like old boxes that had fallen out of the attic. That kiss from Xavier had left me breathless, and it had robbed me.

Nothing could ever erase that genuine kiss from my soul. Surely it would haunt me for the rest of my days—much like the nightmares that remained.

Chapter 7 - Xavier

One Week Later

The steadythudof my hammer filled the room as I thought about all the ways my day could get worse. Frank was out sick, along with Patrick and Marcus. Izdor had injured his left wing. Sadie had to help him limp his way to the health center where Mom was recovering from a dizzy spell.

If conditions had been safer, Leo would have come to work with me, but the trash and soot were getting to be too much, even for the Elderling lungs.

Speaking of Elderlings, Galanthia was somewhere in the building. She’d put some distance between us ever since our fateful night together about a week ago. Though I hadn’t heard her complain about nightmares, I also hadn’t heard much from her at all. Grateful as I was that she wasn’t officially quitting the project, it somehow felt worse for me to see her wandering around like a mindless angel.

Wings spread, mouth tightened in concentration, and hair twirled into a snug bun—yeah, I was definitely looking at an angel through the new glass windows and door of the weight-lifting room. A second floor with a railing that overlooked the main gym area was beneficial for many people who were able to fly, Elderlings included. We just had to make sure the rules were mindful of those abilities.

I sighed while averting my gaze. No use staring at Galanthia for too long. She had a sixth sense about me looking at her, and every time she caught me, she gave me this withering look like I had pulled some foul traffic maneuver with my car. But I knew I couldn’t avoid her dismal expression for long if I wanted to get anything done today.

Still, it was a lot to ask of me. At least Raven was paying me for my contributions. Today would rake in a decent amount given how many people hadn’t shown up. Although it wasn’t like I really needed the money considering my mother was being taken care of here without much charge, if any at all. Silverdawn prided itself on taking care of its own.

Unlike Ambersky, I felt like we belonged here.

Except for the dreadful tension from Galanthia, of course. Sheesh, I could have sliced through concrete with the sharp edge of her glare this afternoon. What made it worse was the fact that I was being forced to talk to her, mostly because we were the only two people left standing in the place.

Excitement reawakened as I turned to the door. Some of the debris in here was starting to block my path. I needed help getting it out. On the other side of the glass, Galanthia chugged a bottle of water. Sweat slicked her throat, pooled near her breasts, and soaked the sides of her sports bra. Yep, that was an angel if I ever saw one.

A very angry angel.

Exasperated and charged up now from the memories of that hot encounter that lodged in my mind, I went to the door and pushed it open a bit. Fresh hinges were so quiet that she didn’t notice I’d opened the door until I coughed politely.

She squinted. “What?”

“Can you help me take this garbage to the dumpster?”

She crushed the empty water bottle. “Would it kill you to ask nicely?”

“I did ask nicely.”

“Try again. I have plenty of time for you to practice.”

My hackles rose as I stepped onto the carpeted landing. “Seriously, Lanthie. Just give me a hand. It’s what we’re supposed to do.”

“Pleasewould be a good start.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please.”

“Say it like you mean it.”

“Galanthia, will youpleasehelp me carry this garbage downstairs because I’m a measly wolf who doesn’t have wings, and it would be infinitely faster for you to do it?”

Choked chuckles rose from below.Great, now somebody had heard us bickering and they were going to make a comment about it, weren’t they? It wasn’t like Izdor didn’t do enough poking and prodding. Most mornings were spent with me thwarting his attempts to discover some secret feelings I had for his friend.

But there weren’t any hidden agendas or emotions.

I had the hots for Galanthia. I got it out of my system. I wanted more of her because she pissed me off, and that was the end of that. Not many people could be that honest with themselves, but I didn’t have much trouble in that department. What stood next to me was smoking hot and needed to be dicked into submission. That wasit.

“Is this a bad time?” our alpha called in a gentle voice. “I can come back later once you’ve both sorted out the trash.”