Page 16 of Feelin' Pine

Jake takes a heavy breath and sounds remorseful when he says, “You know I had to, right? You were going to be stuck, then Kraine and I—”

“I know. Sometimes I’m not good at figuring out what to do right in the moment. I freeze or make rash decisions.”

He taps at my leg. “Nothing is sexier than how you took it, though.” I can hear his smile in his voice.

Wanting a different topic. Searching for a safe topic, but I’m not sure there is one. The sexual tension is buttercream birthday cake thick. And almost as sweet.

“Have you always been a Hot Shot firefighter?”

The air in the room seems to get sucked out by the fire, with how still Jake gets at my question.


I glimpse him shutting his eyes and leaning his head against the rock wall.

“It’s complicated.”

How complicated?

Irked with myself for thinking like that, I remind myself I need positivity. Plus, everybody has complications in their life. I need to understand and know how he’s feeling and vice versa. He’s taking the time and patience to protect me. The least I can do is be a good friend. Something I’m in short supply of.

“I’m scared, Jake. I don’t want to be, but I am.”

Jake’s heavy arm wraps around my shoulder without hesitation, and he tucks me in tightly to his body, where his body wash once again invades my senses.

“I promise, we’re safe here.”

I don’t know what it is, but I trust him. Something I don’t easily do, and yet here I am, depending on a stranger to keep me safe.

“Okay. I believe you.”

We both let out heavy exhales at the same time as we both seem to expel some matching tension, and our breathing falls into the same rhythm.



The ideaof sharing any part of my life wars inside my head. I know what I can’t share. That’s easier to define. No names. No defining roles. No places. Secrecy and subterfuge were my life. But it doesn’t mean it has to be now. I could share a little of my past and wouldn’t have to hide anything moving forward.

If I were to trust anybody, it’d be Maitlyn. I feel the sincerity. I sense the honesty, but my past is…

Deceit. Tragedy. And heartbreak.

Kraine lays his head on my lap, and suddenly everything seems like it’ll be okay. These two keep me calm in a way nothing has in years.

Can I be a part of her life? Can I let her be a part of mine?

Only a little give on my part, and time can tell.

“I was in the government for ten years.”

There’s a long silence and then, “Like can’t share anything, government?”

Smiling at how fast Maitlyn catches on to things, I sigh. “Three little covert letters, government.”

“Oh. CIA? Wow,” she whistles. Although I don’t see it as being as impressive as some do.

Quietly, as if there’s someone else with us when I know there’s not, I tell her what I can.