“I can sense that you want to ask me something, Ms. Sloane.” Lauren continued to walk until they were surrounded by people near the entrance of the dining hall. Had Brook not overheard the artist’s exchange with Maxwell Vanderbilt, she wasn’t sure that she would have realized that she’d been purposefully guided away so as not to notice Maxwell exiting the hallway and blending in with the crowd. Lauren finally turned and faced Brook, ensuring that she wasn’t facing the hallway. “Ask.”
“Did Bella Kadel know that you were having an affair with Maxwell Vanderbilt?”
Without a word, Lauren reached into her small purse and collected her ticket. She held it up in between her index and middle finger. Within seconds, the coat attendant was by her side. What the woman didn’t know was that Brook had just eliminated her from handful of suspects on their list.
After hearing the exchange between Lauren and Maxwell, it had become clear that Lauren wasn’t the unsub. She’d broken things off too easily, and though her demeanor was narcissistic in nature, there wasn’t a jealous bone in her body. As Lauren had so eloquently put it to Maxwell, he’d been escorting his arm candy around several social functions for quite a while. While Piper Zimmer might have been one of those women, Lauren had enough confidence in herself not to be concerned with them.
Maxwell Vanderbilt wasn’t the unsub’s main focus.
“I have no idea, nor do I care. It’s a moot point anyway. Maxwell is free to come and go as he pleases, and the same goes for me. Besides, who I sleep with is of no concern to you.”
“Answer me this before you go, Ms. Kim,” Brook requested evenly right before Lauren would have turned to follow the attendant. “Was Maxwell ever serious about Piper Zimmer?”
Lauren narrowed her eyes as she debated whether or not to respond. Brook had been monitoring the woman’s body language closely. Lauren’s gaze drifted over Brook’s shoulder, but only for a brief second. Maxwell must have finally exited the narrow hallway behind her. The sight of him seemed to spur Lauren into answering Brook’s question.
“No. Maxwell was the one to break things off when it became clear that Piper wanted more than he was willing to give.” Lauren once again let out a feigned laugh, presumably at her own situation. “As much as I resent the man right now, you should know that you’re barking up the wrong tree. Maxwell can’t stand the sight of blood. My paintings make him uneasy, and he detests any type of art that pushes him past his comfort zone.”
“Someone like Rachel Lee?”
Lauren frowned, but there didn’t seem to be any recognition in her expression.
“I don’t know anyone by that name.”
Lauren turned to the attendant, retrieved some money from her purse, and tipped the young man in exchange for her coat. He was so appreciative of the generous tip that he stayed long enough to help her slip her arms into the long sleeves.
“I can’t say it’s been a pleasure, Ms. Sloane.” Lauren adjusted the silk scarf that had been underneath her lapel. “You’ve made a habit of showing up in almost every place that Maxwell makes an appearance. Do you really think that he hasn’t put a call into a lawyer in case you try to pin those murders on him?”
“I don’t recall saying that Maxwell was the person who we’d taken an interest in,” Brook said casually, but she definitely caught the exact moment that her words registered. “Have a good night, Ms. Kim.”
Brook had come to the decision that it was in everyone’s best interest to push this case forward instead of waiting for additional leads to come to them. Theo would most likely disagree with her decision. He believed that she was using this case as a distraction, and she certainly hadn’t been able to argue that point earlier today. Regardless, spending the evening surrounded by women where one could potentially be the guilty party had her viewing the investigation in a different light.
The unsub had convinced herself that Brook sympathized with her.
It was time that Brook convinced the killer otherwise.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Theo Neville
December 2023
Friday — 9:46pm
Softmurmursofconversationwere drowned out by the boisterous laughter coming from a group of people near the dance floor. One of the men almost spilled his drink, but he managed to salvage the glass just in time. Once he pulled himself together, he reached for a handkerchief from an interior pocket before proceeding to wipe the back of his hand from what moisture had managed to escape the glass.
Theo wasn’t concerned about the curious glances thrown his way from those standing next to the man. A black eyepatch wasn’t as common as a cast or even a cane. His injury had been more severe, but it was rare that anyone came straight out to ask him how he’d lost his right eye.
“Big T?” Bit’s voice came through the small earpiece so clear that it was as if he was standing right beside Theo. “The woman that Adeline Murphy accompanied tonight is the principal of the elementary school—Patricia Mills. Mr. Mills is currently on a business trip, and he couldn’t attend tonight’s event. Adeline wasn’t on the guest list, so I can only assume that she was a last-minute addition.”
“Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect,” Theo responded to Bit as he caught sight of Patricia Mills pushing back her chair.
“I aim to please, Big T.”
By the time that Theo reached Adeline’s table, Patricia had already joined the group of people off to the side. Adeline hadn’t bothered to monitor her progress, but then again, her arched brow indicated that she was more curious as to why Theo was approaching her in the middle of a holiday event.
“Do you and your colleagues work every hour of the day?”