Page 4 of Whispers of Sin

“Were you expecting her?” Theo asked with curiosity. He also glanced down at his workout clothes. He was usually the epitome of style. The man knew how to dress, and he would normally never meet a client unless he wore appropriate attire. Granted, Brook had given her team the ability to wear whatever made them comfortable. Theo was usually the one sporting pressed khakis with a button-down shirt. “I should probably go change.”

“You’re fine,” Brook murmured as she nodded to Arden, giving him permission to buzz in their unexpected guest. “I cleared out the remaining caseload yesterday so that we could put all our focus onto Jacob.”

By the time that Brook and Theo both stood from their chairs, Lorelei had opened the door with her right hand before properly thanking Arden. Her heels clicked against the polished floor in a steady rhythm, a black purse hanging from her left forearm. The way she was clutching a pair of matching leather gloves was the only indication that she had reservations about her visit.

Since Brook’s office door was still open, Lorelei advanced forward until she came to a stop in the middle of the room. Arden had discreetly stood from his chair and rounded the reception area. He quietly walked down the hallway toward the kitchen.

“Mrs. Jameson, I have a feeling that you already know that I’m Brooklyn Sloane. This is my colleague, Theo Neville.” Brook extended her hand for a firm shake before stepping back and allowing Theo to do the same. “What can we do for you?”

“I’ve come to hire the best of the best.” Lorelei cleared her throat before going into more detail. “My sister was murdered one year ago. I’d like to hire you and your firm to find out who killed her.”

The weight of Lorelei’s words hung heavy in the air.

“Please, have a seat.” Brook gestured toward the sitting area in her office. The sleek black chairs and sofa offered a place for further discussion so that the conversation wouldn’t need to be so formal. “May I take your coat?”

“No, thank you.”

Lorelei made her way over to the sitting area. She came across as a very practical woman who usually got her way, and it was obvious that she didn’t expect Brook to turn her away. That wasn’t to say that was Brook’s intention, but there was a very specific reason that she’d cleared the firm’s calendar for the next few weeks.

“Did someone refer you to S&E Investigations?” Brook asked as she fell into step behind her guest. Theo followed suit, standing next to one of the chairs waiting for Lorelei to make herself comfortable.

Their firm wasn’t one that advertised in the yellow pages. Some of their clients were from word of mouth, and others had heard of the firm through news coverage on various media sites. Most of their investigations came through consulting contracts with the Bureau. Lorelei Jameson didn’t strike Brook as a woman who would attempt to hire a firm based merely on news coverage. Since it was unlikely that she had any ties to the Bureau, and there had been no email or form sent from any official channel, that left a recommendation from someone she trusted in her life.

“Yes.” Lorelei set her purse on the sofa before removing her coat with very deliberate motions. She then took a seat before laying the thick outerwear over her lap. She linked her fingers together before she met Brook’s gaze. “Jordan Miles.”

Brook didn’t react to the name, unlike Theo. He’d currently taken the chair opposite her, and she caught his surprised expression. Jordan Miles was the CEO of Miles Therapeutics. He owed Brook for a personal matter that she’d helped him with many years ago. He’d left a message for her yesterday to return his call, but by the time she’d been able to do so, he’d already been on a flight to Dubai.

“Your reputation precedes you, Ms. Sloane.”

Brook remained silent. She wasn’t one to respond to flattery. Oddly enough, Lorelei didn’t seem to be the type of woman who offered such platitudes. The fact that she had done so in this situation was another sign that she was anxious about this meeting. Brook studied Lorelei’s facial expressions, searching for any hint of deception or ulterior motive.

Arden chose that moment to enter the office with a tray in hand. He’d brewed them a fresh carafe of coffee, as well as ensuring that fresh cream and sugar were available should Lorelei choose the additional sweeteners. She gave him a tight smile, but Brook doubted that their guest could tolerate any beverage or food at the moment. While Lorelei had been the one to initiate this meeting, something had her on edge.

“Thank you, Arden,” Brook murmured, appreciating his thoughtfulness. He nodded before retracing his steps and closing the door behind him. Since Brook rarely closed her door, even during meetings, he must have sensed the underlying tension, as well. “Mrs. Jameson, you mentioned that your sister was murdered a year ago. Have you spoken to the detective on her case?”

“Yes, several times,” Lorelei stated with disapproval and disappointment. For the first time, she glanced down at her hands. The diamond ring accompanied by a matching band made a statement. “The local police department has…other priorities.”

“By other priorities, you mean…”

“I mean Harbor, Maryland is a very wealthy community. The local police tend to cater to certain prominent families, and my husband made some errors in judgement recently that has somewhat strained our friendships.” Lorelei cleared her throat and gave a small wave of her hand, as if something so significant was trivial in the grand scheme of things. The manner in which she straightened her shoulders and tilted her chin to meet Theo’s gaze signified that she’d reclaimed her confidence. “My sister worked at an art gallery. Bella was very good at spotting talent, and she’d asked me to meet her for lunch. She was concerned about one of her artists. Anyway, I waited for her at the restaurant for close to an hour. Bella wasn’t answering her phone, so I finally drove over to the gallery. Those there said that she hadn’t shown up for work. I knew then that something was wrong, so I drove over to her cottage.”

Lorelei paused in her story.

Theo leaned forward on the chair and set his protein shake down on the tray before pouring all of them some coffee. Their guest took the mug, but she made no effort to drink the contents. Theo held a cup out for Brook before taking one for himself. The mundane task had given Lorelei some time to regain her composure.

“I discovered my sister dead on her couch with a clear plastic bag over her head.” Lorelei’s voice was steady despite the pain lacing her words. “The police investigated, of course, but they haven’t made any real progress. I’d like to hire you and your firm to remedy that.”

The brief mention of a clear plastic bag had caught Brook’s attention. There had been a brief segment on the evening news about a murder that had taken place in Maryland recently with similar characteristics. The way Theo had paused in lifting his coffee cup to take a drink signified that he’d also made a connection.

“It’s my understanding that a crime scene was discovered recently where the victim died under similar circumstances.” Brook continued to observe Lorelei’s mannerisms. The woman kept a lot of information close to her chest, which was in contrast to her wanting justice for her sister. “Do the police suspect these kills were executed by a serial murderer?”

“The police believe that someone else copied it from the headlines.” Lorelei clearly disagreed with their conclusion. “They are treating the two cases separately, which is why it would be beneficial to have you start immediately. The second murder took place last week. I suggest that we make sure there isn’t a third. As a matter of fact, I think that you should touch base with your former employer. It’s obvious that this killer won’t stop at two.”

Brook had to navigate the situation with precision for several reasons.

“Mrs. Jameson, you need to understand that—”

“Lorelei, please. We might as well be on first names if you’re going to be working for me.”