Page 7 of Whispers of Sin

“Great minds think alike, because Graham has already contacted them. In the meantime, our calendar is clear. I know the holidays are a few weeks away, but I’d like to take the Maryland case.”

“What Maryland case?” Sylvie’s gaze landed on each of them individually before she pushed her black-rimmed glasses higher onto the bridge of her nose. “See? This is why I don’t like working from home.”

“Have you been watching the news, Little T?”

“Not really,” Sylvie replied with a frown. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing here,” Brook reassured Sylvie before meeting Theo’s curious gaze. She would address his unspoken question in a moment. “A woman by the name of Lorelei Jameson stopped by the office this morning to request our services in solving her sister’s murder. Bella Kadel was suffocated to death with a clear plastic bag in her own home.”


“Harbor, Maryland,” Brook replied to Sylvie’s question.

“A very prominent town.” Sylvie was already taking notes, which just proved how starved she was for something other than taking care of her sick father. “Bit, if this murder took place a year ago, why would you ask me if I’ve been watching the news?”

“Because another murder took place last week with the same MO,” Brook responded for Bit since he’d decided to suck on the lemon slice that had been in his water. He wouldn’t be talking for some time. “According to Mrs. Jameson, the local police don’t believe the two murders are related. I think it best that we make that decision for ourselves.”

“What Brook is leaving out is that Lorelei Jameson offered us a blank check,” Theo shared as he studied Brook’s reaction. “You and I both know that Jameson is not a woman who can stay in the background. She will want total control, constant updates, and be a pain in our asses every step of the way. Are you sure that you want to deal with that when, come January or February, we’ll need to put all our focus on Jacob’s temporary transfer to the hospital?”

Brook wasn’t sure, which was why she’d hedged on giving her response to Lorelei. It was also why she was about to assign certain tasks so that they would know by tomorrow afternoon whether or not they were dealing with a serial murderer.

“Do you really want to spend the next two or three months twiddling our thumbs?” Brook had posed the question to all of them. Arden had been the quiet one, but he usually didn’t say too much during these meetings. He was a listener, which was probably what had made him so successful as a private investigator back in the day. “There will be multiple agencies involved with Jacob’s transfer to the hospital. The feds, us, the private agency that Graham has contacted on my behalf, and the U.S. Marshalls Service. They might say that they won’t have someone on site, but they’ll post someone anyway to keep tabs on the situation. They don’t want someone in their charge to be in danger any more than we want Jacob to plan some type of an elaborate escape.”

Brook gave them all a moment to adjust their mindsets. Granted, the holidays were approaching, though Thanksgiving had taken place last week. It was the first Thanksgiving that she’d had with all the trimmings since she’d been a teenager. Graham had hosted the get-together at his estate. While Theo had flown into New York to be with his parents, Sylvie and Bit had joined in on the turkey dinner. Bit had also brought his sister along, and she’d come a long way since her cancer had gone into remission. Needless to say, Brook wouldn’t mind experiencing such joy again come Christmastime.

“I’ll handle Lorelei,” Brook added to ease Theo’s concern. “I think you’ll find that she puts on a front to protect herself. If you look underneath the surface, you’ll find a grieving sister who can’t move on with her life.”

By this point, Bit had spit out the lemon slice. He’d given his saliva glands a chance to recover, which allowed him to speak.

“Count me in.”

“Me, as well,” Arden replied as he jotted down the two names. “I can’t say that Mrs. Jameson is the most pleasant individual, but I do understand what grief can do to a person. If we can give her some closure, that would be a nice gift for her to receive this time of year.”

Theo waved his hand, as if to say that he would go with the majority vote. Sylvie was still scribbling something down on a piece of paper, but she was also holding up her left thumb.

“Alright then.” Brook had already divvied up the responsibilities in her head. “Theo, research Bella Kadel and the Jameson family. Sylvie, find out everything you can on the second victim from last week. Bit, start background checks on the two victims and work your magic on their social media sites. See if there is a connection between them. As usual, Theo and Sylvie will provide you names to include as the investigation wears on. Arden, would you please touch base with the police in Harbor, Maryland? Request criminal reports and all related material to both cases. I know that you’ll receive some pushback from the detective in charge, so just do your best. If we’re able to link the two murders and have reason to believe that a third victim might be in danger, there is a chance that I’ll be able to put pressure on the local authorities by using our consulting agreement with the Bureau. Until then, we go on the assumption that the local police have reason to think the victims were killed by two separate killers.”

“Would we still take the case?” Bit asked as he contemplated putting the lime slice in his mouth. He must have decided against it since he then plopped it back into his water. “We usually work serial murders.”

“We’ll still take the case, but I would have to profile the unsub differently,” Brook said as she picked up her water. She ignored Arden’s slight nod of approval as she stood from the chair. “Sylvie, please know that any personal time needed is yours for the taking.”

“I know, and I appreciate that,” Sylvie replied softly as she set her teacup down next to her laptop. “Truly.”

“I’ll go let our new client know that we’ll be able to start the investigation earlier than anticipated,” Brook said as she pushed her chair back against the table. “We’ll have our usual meeting tomorrow morning at seven o’clock for updates, and then again before we break for the weekend.”

With everyone in agreement, Brook headed back to her office. She could hear Sylvie asking Arden to not put up the Christmas tree in the foyer and the other holiday decorations until she could join in. Arden mentioned that he’d love her help, and Brook was relatively sure that he would somehow convince everyone to show up bright and early Saturday morning.

Brook walked around her desk, set her water down on a folder since her coffee cup was still on the sandstone coaster, and picked up the phone. Lorelei had written down her information on a piece of paper which Brook had placed next to her desk phone.

Lorelei answered on the second ring.

“Mrs. Jameson, this is Brooklyn Sloane. I’m calling to let you know that we’ll be able to start earlier than anticipated, though I need you to be aware that my team and I are working on another active case.” Brook was under no obligation to explain the firm’s other clients, even if that client was herself. Lorelei wasn’t a woman who went into something blind, so she had to know about Brook’s past. Oddly enough, the woman had yet to bring it up in conversation. “We’ll spend a few days familiarizing ourselves with your sister’s case. Once we’re caught up to speed, I’ll be in touch with our next steps.”

“Thank you.” The simple acknowledgement was filled with emotion, and it was enough for Brook to know that Lorelei wouldn’t be as much of an interference as Theo had first suspected. “There is a hotel near the waterfront that you and your team might like to stay at when you arrive in town.”

“I appreciate the information. I’ll be in touch, Mrs. Jameson.”

Brook disconnected the call, having no intention of staying at a hotel. Such accommodations were too hectic with too many prying eyes. She would have Arden research the area to find either an Airbnb or some type of inn that could lodge four of them with comfort. Arden would remain in the city. While the others were working on gathering the preliminary information regarding their newest case, Brook would be memorizing the hospital’s blueprints that were still displayed on her monitor.