Page 37 of Whispers of Sin

“Michael Davis just removed himself from his conversation with Spencer Bullard,” Theo pointed out with interest. Such a decision wasn’t unexpected given that the Jamesons had arrived fashionably late. “I do believe it’s time that I introduce myself.”

Brook merely nodded as Theo left her side. She continued to observe Adeline Murphy while waiting for Robert and Lorelei to make their way over to her. Their advancement was currently being interrupted by numerous people wanting to say hello. Brook noticed the way Lorelei attempted to pull away from them in an effort to reach Brook, but her husband continuously stopped to shake hands with those wanting a moment of his time.

“Boss? Maxwell Vanderbilt just exited the gallery. He used the back entrance, and he is now walking to his car.”

“If Vanderbilt leaves, have Officer Lawson follow him,” Brook murmured after peering down at her dress. No one would notice her lips moving at such an angle. “Adeline Murphy is in attendance.”

Brook hadn’t expected Bit to reply, but at least he would have knowledge that one of their suspects had managed to join the others at the exhibit. He would get back to her with any pertinent details. The elementary school art teacher had to have either arrived extremely early to the event, or she’d somehow blended in with a larger group. Then again, Adeline could have utilized the back entrance that lacked a security camera. Brook lifted her gaze just in time to find the woman in question staring intently at Lorelei.

“Ms. Sloane,” Lorelei greeted rather reluctantly, glancing behind her when she realized that Robert wasn’t at her side. He’d remained behind to speak with the older couple who had been interested in Lauren Kim’s featured artwork. “I don’t understand why you think our presence will help you solve my sister’s murder. Nonetheless, here we are.”

“What do you know about Adeline Murphy?”

Lorelei had been eyeing one of the servers as his current path brought him closer. She snagged a glass of champagne almost immediately. Her unease at being surrounded by those who were part of her sister’s world was more than transparent.

“Bella’s neighbor?” Lorelei paused to take a healthy sip of the bubbly alcoholic drink. “You mean other than the fact that she used to peer into my sister’s house? Nothing, really. Why?”

Lorelei wasn’t an obtuse woman, and she quickly attempted to connect the dots.

“Wait. Do you think Adeline knows who killed my sister?” Lorelei began to scan the faces of the other guests. “If she recognized someone, you can—”

Brook still didn’t want word to leak that the profile pointed toward a female serial. She purposefully ignored Lorelei’s inquiry and steered the conversation toward another individual.

“When I first asked you about an artist giving Bella some difficulty, Spencer Bullard was the first person who came to mind for you. Why?”

“Bella had mentioned him a few times,” Lorelei said with a frown as she attempted to stay on topic. “Ms. Sloane, if there is a chance that you can make an arrest tonight, then you should—”

“What did Bella mention about Spencer Bullard?”

The direct question brought Lorelei up short, and she stared attentively at Brook.

“I was right, wasn’t I? Spencer Bullard killed—”

“Mrs. Jameson, I’m merely needing your insight that could greatly benefit this investigation.” Brook purposefully peered over to where Sylvie was in deep conversation with the man in question. “Why was Spencer Bullard the first person who came to mind?”

“Bullard was having difficulty creating new sculptures back then,” Lorelei revealed as she focused her attention on Spencer. “Bella mentioned that he got so upset during her last visit to his home that he threw one of his pieces into his fireplace. His outburst rattled her, and she…”

Lorelei’s voice trailed off the moment that she recognized the other man in the small group with Spencer Bullard. Detective Hartley was standing in such a way that it allowed him to keep an eye on the entrance. Sylvie seemed to be carrying most of the conversation.

“You should have told me that Detective Hartley was the reason behind you seeking out my firm, Mrs. Jameson.” Brook waited until she had Lorelei’s full attention. “Unfortunately, his knowledge of the investigation is too valuable to ignore. I need his cooperation.”

Lorelei’s gaze dropped to her champagne glass. The tiny bubbles adhered to the side of the glass, but some of them began to rise to the surface due to the slight tremor in her hand.

“Robert loves me,” Lorelei said softly before glancing over her shoulder to where her husband now stood speaking with another couple who were both laughing at something he’d said. “He was the one who suggested that I speak with Jordan and get some recommendations. I know that he wants me to move on, but I can’t do that with Bella’s killer walking around town.”

“Robert wasn’t comfortable with you speaking with Detective Hartley after the…incident,” Brook assumed as her thoughts turned to Chief Rogan.

No wonder the chief hadn’t assigned the case to someone else. A murder investigation was difficult to solve on its own, but twice as much if the victim’s family refused to cooperate.

“No, Robert wasn’t comfortable with me speaking with Caleb, and I can’t say that I blame him,” Lorelei revealed sincerely as she turned back to face Brook. “Your presence in town has caused quite a stir, and you’ve already made more progress by linking the two murder investigations.”

“You’ve been speaking with someone inside the station.”

“An old friend of ours called Robert while we were getting ready this evening,” Lorelei disclosed with a satisfied smile before taking another sip of her champagne. She appeared more composed than when she’d first entered the gallery, and her next words confirmed it. “You’ve officially made my sister’s murder a federal investigation, which means that you’re close to catching whoever murdered her. You requested that my husband and I be here this evening. Well, here we are. What is it that you need us to do for you to make an arrest?”

“Mingle,” Brook directed as she nodded toward the others in attendance. “With everyone. No matter if it’s just to say hello, I would like for you and Robert to appear as if you needed to be at a function that your sister would have loved, okay?”

Lorelei nodded before finishing off the rest of her champagne. She reached back and set the empty flute glass on a tray that a passing server held on one hand. She then gave Brook a small smile of regret.