Page 23 of Whispers of Sin

“Lauren Kim also mentioned to Bella that she was seeing someone.”

Brook was almost certain that Bit had muttered something along the lines ofthat poor guy, but she was too far away to distinguish the entire sentence.

“I’m taking a drive over to Lauren Kim’s place later this morning,” Theo informed everyone. “Bit is also putting together a list of all the artists who the art gallery has shown interest in over the past year and a half. If the unsub is connected to Maxwell Vanderbilt, we’ll need to include vendors and suppliers, as well.”

“That list is already uploaded to the program, Big T.”

“Sylvie, why don’t you sift through the new information today and try to discern if anyone else ties into the lives of the two victims and Maxwell Vanderbilt? You and Detective Hartley can go over the names while I speak with Adeline Murphy. Theo, see if Lauren Kim will provide you with the name of who she was seeing back then, as well as if she’s seeing someone new. It’s difficult to ignore…”

Brook released one hand from her mug to gesture toward the screen where the image of the painting was currently front and center. Bit didn’t miss the opportunity to make another comment by finishing her sentence.

“An artist who has an obsession with death?” Bit then held up his hand to garner everyone’s attention. “Speaking of the death obsessed finger-painter, she has an exhibit at the gallery on Thursday night.”

Bit’s announcement had definitely piqued everyone’s attention.

“Are you sure?” The question had come from Theo, who didn’t look too pleased with the news. “The way Sophia spoke yesterday, even Maxwell had agreed with Brook that Kim’s paintings were too dark for their clients.”

“That was over a year ago,” Hartley pointed out as he made himself more comfortable in his chair. He then made a point to look at everyone in the room. “Maybe Maxwell changed his mind. Seriously, you don’t find those paintings interesting?”

Bit purposefully rolled his chair a few inches to the right, while Officer Lawson was clearly seeing his colleague in a new light.

“They are rather…haunting,” Sylvie murmured as she attempted to see the detective’s point of view. “Although, I would not hang them up in my living room.”

“Getting back to the art exhibit, is it open to the public?” Brook asked as she was already rearranging her schedule. She was due to drive back to the city tomorrow morning, and she’d originally planned to return on Friday afternoon. “Or invitation only?”

“Open to the public,” Bit informed them as he moved the information to the display of the monitor so that everyone could see the marketing material. “This graphic was posted on the gallery’s website a few minutes ago, followed by the usual social media sites.”

“I wonder why Vanderbilt changed his mind,” Theo contemplated aloud as he grabbed his laptop from the table and walked over to one of the overstuffed chairs. “I’ll see what Lauren Kim has to say about it today, but I think we all should make an appearance at the art exhibit.”

“We can talk specifics on Thursday morning,” Brook said, wanting a couple of days to think over how they should handle such a public event. “I’ll also give Lorelei a call. I think that she and her husband should be in attendance.”

“I can drive the tech van and park on the side street in front of the coffee shop,” Bit advised as he pulled up a map of downtown Harbor. He then circled where he would like to be positioned, which would give him a straight view of the art gallery’s entrance. “I’ll take pictures of everyone coming and going, including the catering and wait staff. Most everyone uses the same company around here, and I discovered that Piper Zimmer would sometimes use them for special open houses. I’m gathering a list of employees who worked for the catering business when Bella was in charge of organizing these events and those who are still with the catering service today.”

“It’s black tie,” Hartley pointed out with irritation. “Looks like I’m digging out the tux that I wore to my sister’s wedding.”

“You don’t go to a lot of the social events around here?” Sylvie asked with a wide smile. “From my understanding, Harbor hosts some type of formal event almost every weekend.”

“Let’s just say that I try to avoid them when at all possible,” Hartley muttered with disdain as he stood from the chair. “I need a refill, unless someone isn’t going to take that extra cup of coffee that we brought with us.”

“A carafe of freshly brewed coffee is sitting on the kitchen counter,” Brook shared as she moved away from the fireplace to where the donut box and coffee holder had been placed on the table. “Just so you’re all aware of my schedule, I’ll be leaving for the city first thing in the morning, and I’ll return tomorrow night. In the meantime, we all have our assignments.”

Officer Lawson shifted his weight in uncertainty before finally speaking up.

“Is there anything specific that you would like me to do today?”

Brook and Sylvie shared a knowing look.

“I could always stop at your place to pick up an evening gown,” Brook offered, already knowing that for her, the perfect dress for tomorrow night’s event was in her closet. “I’d offer one of mine, but they would all be too long.”

Brook was not only taller than Sylvie, and they also wore different size shoes. The sparkle shining bright in Sylvie’s eyes told everyone that she was about to go shopping for both a new dress and matching shoes.

“Oh, Lawson,” Hartley commiserated with a shake of his head as he made his way down the hallway to the kitchen. He called out his next words loud enough for everyone to hear. “You are so going to wish you hadn’t asked that question.”

Chapter Eleven

Theo Neville

December 2023