Page 43 of Corrupted By Sin

“I appreciate you meeting with me again.”

Brook set her purse down next to the leg of the chair that she’d sat in previously. Instead of claiming the same seat, she walked over to a small table that housed several framed photographs.

“We have things to discuss.”

“Yes, we certainly do.” Brook decided to clear the air before getting down to business. “Brett and Catherine came to see me in my office earlier today. They had stipulations for this meeting, such as I shouldn’t bring up Nolan and his past troubles with the law. I reassured them that I wasn’t looking for a scapegoat.”

Brook leaned down for a closer look at the family pictures. There were various shots taken throughout the children’s lives. Some had been taken with their mothers and some without, but an outsider looking in would have said that they were a happy family based solely on appearances.

“Let me guess,” Dr. Kolsby said as he seemed to relax a bit now that Nolan had left the house. “They’re concerned for my health, and they didn’t want you to stress me needlessly.”

“That about covers it.” Brook had appeased her curiosity about the photographs, so she turned and made her way back to the chair. “Howareyou feeling?”

“Better with each passing day, although I’m not looking forward to my cancer treatment, whatever that might be. I have a meeting with the head of oncology next week to lay out a plan.” Dr. Kolsby did seem to be in better health, all things considered. “Getting back to Nolan, his behavior has improved considerably since he cut ties with Devin Cranston. Brett was the one close with the Cranston boy, but my oldest has a good head on his shoulders. He knew when to cut bait. Nolan can be…well, Nolan can be impressionable. Eager to please. I believe you’ll find that out yourself with a bit of digging.”

“Which is why you had Catherine and Brett come to my office in the first place. You wanted me to find the link between Devin Cranston and Andrea Firth, but you didn’t want anything found to tarnish Nolan.”

Dr. Kolsby remained silent, though he refocused his attention from Brook to the flickering flames. Embers floated into the air occasionally, giving the doctor something to focus on. It was obvious that he didn’t expect Brook to call him out on such a glaring misrepresentation of the facts.

Brook had Bit look into Catherine and Brett’s claims that their brother had once been in trouble with the law. No charges had ever been filed against Nolan, which was why the cursory background didn’t reveal the numerous times that Dr. Kolsby had used his connections in the city to protect his son from the consequences.

Devin Cranston, on the other hand, had been publicly arrested for being drunk and disorderly while at a hospital event with his father. Devin and Nolan had gotten into a physical altercation over Andrea Firth, who just so happened to be one of the four victims discovered at the burial site.

“If you’d like to recant your earlier denial over what you said in front of Millie Gwinn, I won’t judge your motives.” Brook sweetened the deal. “My investigation is technically independent from that of the two police agencies that are currently investigating the four remains that we discovered.”


“Officer Soerig recently made detective, and she has reopened her investigation into Millie Gwinn’s claims. I’m sure that Detective Soerig will be in touch with you, if she hasn’t already attempted to do so.” Brook paused for effect. “Detective Raines is overseeing the four homicides discovered in his jurisdiction. They decided to work jointly together instead of independently. After all, there is cause to link the two cases.”

“Me,” Dr. Kolsby theorized before compressing his lips in frustration. “To answer your question, no—I don’t want to change my statement. I do not recall saying anything of the sort, I have not harmed anyone in such a manner, and I will continue to defend my reputation against any slanderous statements.”

“Good to know,” Brook replied, crossing her legs while she studied him. “I also won’t compromise my beliefs, Dr. Kolsby. I don’t like being used as a pawn, and I’m giving you fair notice that such a stunt won’t end well for you or yours.”

Dr. Kolsby seemed to mull over her words, and he continued to do so even after Peg had brought in a serving tray filled with coffee cups, a carafe, sugar, and cream. She set it down on the beverage cart before pouring the hot beverage.

“Thank you,” Brook murmured as she carefully took a cup from Peg.

“I’ll hold dinner for you, Dr. Kolsby,” Peg said as she set his cup down on the table next to him. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No,” Dr. Kolsby replied softly, still staring at the blazing fire. “Thank you, Peg.”

Brook took a few tentative sips of her coffee as she waited for Dr. Kolsby to do the same. It became clear that he’d thought she would take the information about Devin and run with it. Dr. Kolsby hadn’t expected her to continue down the path that led to his own door. It wasn’t her intention to come across as rude or unsympathetic, but she also wouldn’t disrespect him by handling the situation with kid gloves.

“If you’re aware of something about Dr. Cranston or his son, it would be best for everyone involved if you come forward,” Brook advised, thinking over Nolan’s recent exit. He must have discovered that Catherine and Brett had all but thrown him under the bus, and he’d put two and two together. Nolan was being used as a pawn to steer the investigation, and he clearly wasn’t happy about it. Who could blame him, really? “No one has to know that the information came from you.”

“Neil has been a friend of mine for many, many years.” Dr. Kolsby frowned as he met her gaze, not even bothering to drink the coffee that he’d been given by Peg. “I’ve had a couple of weeks to digest the news regarding my cancer, Ms. Sloane. I’ve had many revelations since then, and I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing is more important to me than my family and friends. Of which, I realize that I have short supply. My three children, Neil Cranston, and two old med school friends who moved away many years ago. We still keep in touch, but it’s not the same as having them here in my home. I worked long hours, wasn’t the best father, neglected my ex-wives, and spent more time on superficial relationships than fostering the ones that meant the most. I’m not sure how much time that I have left on this earth, but I refuse to be remembered in the hideous light that Millie Gwinn would like to paint me in.”

“You had no trouble throwing Devin Cranston under the bus, Dr. Kolsby.” Brook didn’t bother to sugarcoat her opinion. Now that her coffee had cooled somewhat, she took a healthy drink of it before setting the mug to the side. “I find it difficult to believe you are sincere when you went to such extremes to divert my attention.”

Brook uncrossed her legs and stood from the chair.

“My mother passed away from cancer some time ago, Dr. Kolsby.” Brook made sure her suit jacket was fastened before she continued. “I can recall her last days as if they had happened yesterday. While she held onto her illogical belief that the evidence against my brother was somehow staged or misunderstood, she had never once played word games. She had also become brutally honest toward the end. I don’t believe that she wanted any more regrets than she’d already racked up in her life. I’m merely offering you that same opportunity to clear the air.”

Brook nodded her goodbye before she began to walk toward the door. The moment her high heels hit the dark hardwood floor, Dr. Kolsby’s next words lent themselves to explain why he’d wanted to separate himself from any type of insinuation.

“Devin Cranston isn’t Neil’s biological son, Ms. Sloane. Do with that information what you will.”

Chapter Nineteen