Page 38 of Corrupted By Sin

“What about a New Year’s gathering at the offices?” Graham suggested as he followed her across the hardwood floor. “Would Kate be willing to put together something small? An open house, maybe?”

Graham was giving her an out, and she would happily take it. She didn’t mind doing what was necessary for the firm, but she’d rather it be on her terms. An open house for the outside firms was something that she could manage. She also didn’t mind a small gathering with the team before the three-day weekend.

“I can arrange that,” Brook said as she carefully set both of their mugs in the sink. She left her wineglass on the counter, though. She’d enjoy one while getting back to the profile. Of course, that would be after she cleaned off the kitchen table so that she could have her workspace back. “How does your schedule look in January?”

Because Brook had been a consultant for the FBI, she understood how contracts were negotiated with government contractors. Graham had mentioned previously that his contract was set to expire at the end of the year, and another one had already been presented to him for review.

He hadn’t replied to her question, so she turned around only to find him studying her closely. Too closely.

“You simply tell me the date of the open house, and I’ll make myself available.” Graham was close enough that he could have reached out to her, but he seemed to sense that she’d already closed herself off. “Thank you for dinner, Brooklyn.”

The way he’d said her full name had her almost changing her mind in regard to him leaving. Something told her that if she asked him to stay, he wouldn’t have hesitated to push off whatever emergency was taking place halfway across the world. That knowledge was dangerous, and it was something that she would rather not be privy to after such a nice evening.

“You’re welcome.”

Graham slowly nodded before turning and walking back toward the dining room table. He collected his suit jacket before slipping his arms into the sleeves. He adjusted the collar and lapel before then following her to the front closet. She opened the door and took his dress coat off the hanger.

Though the two of them had lunch together twice over the last two months in between his business trips, they had always been conducted in public settings. It had kept their dealings on a platonic level, which was where she’d been most comfortable with him.

“If you need anything while I’m gone, you know how to reach me.”

Graham hadn’t made a move to take his dress coat from her. As a matter of fact, he closed the distance between them, but not enough to back her against the doors of the closet. She stilled her movements when he slowly lifted a hand before gently running a finger down the side of her jawline. He then leaned forward until his lips were brushing against her ear.

“Breathe. It’s only me.”

Graham waited patiently to hear her soft exhalation.

He then pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

“Goodnight, Brooklyn.”

Without another word, he took his dress coat from her hands.

In seconds, he was gone, and the door had quietly closed behind him. Only then did she draw oxygen into her lungs. She stood there for some time, the evening replaying over and over in her mind.

It had been a simple dinner.

Nothing else.

Brook had a feeling that she would be telling herself that lie multiple times until their next that did not include fruitcake.

Chapter Seventeen

Brooklyn Sloane

December 2022

Thursday — 7:59am


“Not yet,” Theo stated as he took a seat at the conference room table. Everyone on the team was in attendance with the exception of Kate. She’d already been on the phone for a good half an hour in regard to the Rastini case. “It took them two days, but they were able to excavate three of the four remains. They’ve been examined, and we have preliminary results. It could be days before we receive the toxicology reports.”

“Have identifications been made?”

Brook continued to read over the notes that Theo had inserted into their files. She slowly scrolled up on the display of her tablet so that she could read over the findings.

“Again, three out of the four,” Sylvie replied as she wrapped the string of her teabag around her index finger. Bit also happened to have a cup of tea in front of him. “Natalie Thorne, Laura Keery, and Andrea Firth. Detective Raines is in the process of notifying the families.”