Page 24 of Corrupted By Sin

“First, everyone is capable of murder.” Brook finished her coffee before setting her empty mug on the matching stand next to her chair. It was doubtful that she’d be offered another serving. “I see no reason not to be brutally honest with you, Dr. Kolsby. My second reason is that while you might be a narcissist, I doubt that you currently possess the physical strength to break into Ms. Gwinn’s apartment.”

Once again, Brook’s statement was enough to cause a slight eruption from the others. They certainly were predicable.

“I meant no disrespect,” Brook said loudly as she suspected that Dr. Kolsby had a difference of opinion from his sons and daughter. He preferred to deal with direct people. Brett was the one whose grunt of annoyance was last heard, but she ignored him to concentrate on the man in question. “Nolan’s theory has piqued my curiosity, though. We all know that anesthesia isn’t a truth serum, but Millie Gwinn didn’t put words in your mouth, Doctor. I don’t believe that she lied about what you said when you were coming out of your induced sleep, just as I don’t believe she imagined a broken doorjamb. She came to my firm because she honestly fears for her life.”

“What are you talking about?” Dr. Kolsby asked cautiously, letting go of his daughter’s hand. He sat a little straighter in his chair while holding the left side of his ribs. “Has something happened to Ms. Gwinn?”

“As I just mentioned, someone broke into her apartment the night before last,” Brook replied truthfully, seeing no reason to keep such knowledge under wraps. “Let’s just say that Ms. Gwinn doesn’t believe in coincidences.”

“I can assure you that I had nothing to do with that, Ms. Sloane.”

It was good to know that they were now back on formal ground. It made it easier for her to lay out the other details in order to solicit a reaction.

“I wish a simple denial took care of this situation, Dr. Kolsby. Unfortunately, a piece of information has been uncovered that puts your son at the scene of the crime.”

Brook found it very interesting that everyone’s gaze swung toward Nolan when she’d been referencing Brett. Even his attention was now on his younger brother, but it was the flash of fear in Dr. Kolsby’s eyes that had her convinced this case wasn’t going to be easy to solve.

Dr. Kolsbyhaduttered the words that had Millie Gwinn seeking out the police. From what Brook was witnessing in this intimate setting, there was some measure of truth to them, as well.

“My apologies.” Brook waited for everyone’s focus to be turned back toward her before she lit another match. “I wasn’t referring to Nolan being seen near Millie Gwinn’s apartment.”

Catherine jumped to her feet in defense of her older brother, while Nolan was giving his brother advice on remaining silent until their lawyer could be contacted by one of them. Dr. Kolsby was urging Brett to deny such a charge. As for Brett, he wasn’t inclined to remain so silent.

Brook had made her final determination.

There was no denying that Dr. Kolsby had information regarding a serial killer. Whether he was covering for a patient, a friend, or a family member was another matter altogether.

Chapter Ten

Sylvie Deering

December 2022

Monday — 10:02am

Thequainttwo-storyresidencehad been decked out with holiday decorations. The front yard had inflatables that wouldn’t be filled with air until sunset, a set of cute wire-framed lighted reindeer, and a string of colorful lights on the eaves that hadn’t been set on a timer. It was the tilted snowman with a carrot for a nose that reminded Sylvie of her own childhood.

She tried her best to push away the memories, because every single one had been tainted by the image of her father behind bars. The decision on whether or not to visit him for the holidays loomed over her, and she was secretly wishing that this case bled over into the new year. It was a selfish bid, but she’d never claimed to be a saint. Technically, that was how her family and friends would have categorized her before her father’s arrest for securities fraud, money laundering, false official statements. and a slew of other embarrassing charges that she’d rather forget.

“May I help you?”

Josh Perisot had been the ICU nurse working second shift when Dr. David Kolsby had been brought in after his accident. He most likely wouldn’t have been admitted to that floor had he not had bleeding on the brain. Granted, a ruptured spleen could have serious complications even after surgery, but it wouldn’t have warranted admission to the intensive care unit unless there had been complications.

“I hope so,” Sylvie replied with a smile. “I’m Sylvie Deering, from S&E Investigations. I was hoping that you had a moment to speak with me regarding Millie Gwinn.”

Upon hearing the name of his coworker, Josh had become instantly wary of Sylvie’s visit. She happened to have lucked out and not have the door slammed into her face after the sweetest two-year-old boy attempted to make a dash for the snow. Josh had to relinquish his hold on the doorknob to capture the blond bundle of energy.

“I only have a few questions.” Sylvie kept her smile in place, as well as her tone. “Ms. Gwinn’s apartment was broken into the other night, and we’re simply making sure that no one has noticed anything unusual of late.”

“Someone broke into Millie’s apartment?” Josh’s concern was evident. He glanced over his shoulder when an odd noise filtered through the main level of the house. The little boy started to clap his hands as if encouraging further chaos. “Come on in.”

Sylvie breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t need to push harder than necessary. She also hadn’t been looking forward to staying outside another second longer. The cold gusts of wind were strong enough to pierce her scarf.

Josh Perisot didn’t have to talk to her, but his view on what had transpired could put some context to the situation. Millie had provided Josh’s name as one of the employees who she’d shared comments about what she’d overheard, and it would be to her benefit if he’d had a similar experience with Dr. Kolsby.

“Sorry for the mess,” Josh muttered as he stepped over a plastic dump truck that had been filled with blocks in his bare feet. As far as Sylvie was concerned, he was tempting fate. “I worked the night shift. My mother-in-law was supposed to take Max for the day, but she claims that she has a mole on her forehead that is suddenly changing shape. We tried to tell her that it hasn’t changed at all, but she wouldn’t listen to anyone. She just had to make an appointment for the same day that my schedule overlapped with my wife’s open house. She’s a realtor in the area. My wife, not my mother-in-law.”

Josh had been busy securing his son into a highchair that had been positioned next to the kitchen table. The open floor layout gave Sylvie the ability to observe both the kitchen and living room. Toys were scattered everywhere, the television had been set to the cartoon network, a basket of unfolded clothes was on top of the coffee table, and a bag of diapers with an open wipe’s container was next to the couch.