Page 34 of Longing for Sin

Theo stayed another five minutes, giving Steve Laurey a little more time before he had to return to his cell. While he didn't recall any type of break-in, the other three inmates who Theo had interviewed had clear recollections of crimes being committed against them. While he couldn't prove it, he was confident that Steve had something very similar happen to him.

The investigation would now be viable from many different angles, involving various NCIS agents, and multiple formats in which information was going to need to be shared. While difficult, it wasn't impossible.

Brook hadn't made mention of a new hire, but a receptionist or some type of assistant was going to be needed if they stood a chance at consolidating statements, interviews, evidence, and even theories. Communications in an office the size of theirs with multiple agencies contributing would require someone very special and extremely capable. Once they proved that the men found guilty could not have committed the crimes, albeit with Bit's expertise, they would then be able to focus on identifying the unsub who had meticulously stacked each deck against each of his carefully selected patsies.

Time was on their side...or was it?

Chapter Fourteen

Brooklyn Sloane

January 2022

Friday — 10:09pm

"DoIwanttoknow how you found out about Project Grey Skies?"

Brook rotated her right shoulder to ease the tension as she pushed back from the conference room table. She'd seen Graham's name light up on the screen of her cell phone and had pressed the speaker button.

She should have thought twice.

"I left you a message that we stumbled across the military connection inadvertently," Brook replied vaguely as she stood from the chair. She might as well start collecting the files that she wanted to take home with her. "I vaguely recall explaining to you that I believed the unsub justified his first few kills for that very reason. Are you back in town?"

"No, and don't change the subject."

"My previous questionwasin relation to the subject at hand," Brook countered, sweeping her gaze over the white boards and table to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything. She then turned out the lights and closed the door. "Theo finished speaking with the group of men who were used as patsies and subsequently incarcerated, and he was also able to talk with the families of three of the victims. I spoke with two fathers via video conference call, since they were both out of the county on deployment."

Graham was silent. It wouldn't take him long before he figured out why she'd asked if he was in the city. She continued down the hallway, having already turned the lights out in the kitchen and the other offices. There was safety lighting spaced out knee height all along the hallway and at the back of each office, giving off a rather shadowy ambiance.

The silence was rather comforting.

Sylvie had left the office a little after five o'clock this evening, wanting to get a start on the weekend before dinnertime. Brook was relatively sure that the analyst had joined some sort of dating app, much to Bit's chagrin. As for his weekend plans, he'd mentioned something about an online gaming competition with his friends, though he'd made sure to let her know that he had some applications running to populate the myriad of case related fields in his recently created databases. Apparently, he would be notified if something of importance happened as a result, thus alerting her...who would be working all weekend.

"Let me guess," Graham said wryly. "You need help getting ahold of General Spencer."

"I understand that he is somewhere in the vicinity of Syria. It would help to speak with him."

Brook entered her office, which was warmer than the rest of their half of the fourteenth floor. She not only had her antique coatrack delivered earlier today, but she'd also brought in her old reliable space heater. The device had several modes, along with safety circuits to ensure that it never exceeded the preprogrammed temperature.

Comfort was being achieved little by far as comfort went for her.

"He's not returning my calls."

"I'll reach out to him. He's inside the Special Operations AOR, and therefore out of your reach."

Brook had made it all the way to her desk before he spoke again. There was something off in his tone, maybe even a heaviness that she hadn't heard before, that had her pulling up short.

"Leave Project Grey Skies alone," Graham directed, taking her by surprise. "Focus on the civilian who you feel is responsible for the murders, as well as getting ready for your interview with Jennifer Madsen. Unless you've come to your senses and want to cancel her access, of course."

Brook had always been mindful of her responses, and the ingrained caution was now to her benefit. One, Graham would do whatever it took to solve his daughter's murder, even if it meant linking several high-ranking officers to a highly classified project. Such a warning was out of character for him. Two, he would never tell her how to run an investigation. He'd told her more than enough times that it was a line he would never cross.

The hidden message had actually been in the statement regarding Jennifer Madsen. She might have been attempting to figure out the true identity of Brooklyn Sloane last year, but her main objective all along had been trying to bring down Supervisory Special Agent Jackson. The agent had botched a counterterrorism case in California that had resulted in the deaths of several innocent people, including Jennifer's brother.

It was clear that the classified military mission had gone in the same direction, but Graham clearly wanted it on record over an open line that she should drop her interest in the project. She'd apparently ruffled someone's feathers, and they needed to be smoothed over.

"Understood," Brook replied, knowing full well that Graham would explain in more detail when they could speak privately. It was evident that he believed her phone conversations were now being monitored, and not just by the FBI. "I would still like to speak with General Spencer regarding his daughter's death. He'll need to provide a list of any civilians who might have reason to harbor resentment against him."

Graham would never divulge classified information, but he would give her enough details to help their investigation more forward at their next meeting. She had more than enough to go on for the moment.