Page 17 of Longing for Sin

"As I stated before, I'll contact Vivian Lourdes should the need arise," Brook stated firmly without any indication that she was nervous about the upcoming interrogation. Graham didn't kid himself otherwise. "I take it your own meeting went well with Theo?"

Brook had stood, bringing the plain porcelainmug with her as she walked toward him. She had done so on purpose to display indifference toward the meeting ahead, much to Agent Houser's dismay. The biometric scanner was not up and running yet, so the two men had simply walked through the main doors. Houser had no doubt wanted a different reaction to the stunt that he'd pulled this morning.

"I think that Theo has everything he needs for the moment." Graham opened the door to ensure that the two men heard his parting words to Brook. "Should you need anything, you know where to find me."

While Graham had never personally met Supervisory Special Agent Matthew Harden, the man's reputation proceeded him. He was tough, but fair. He also went to extreme lengths to protect those under his charge. Unfortunately, it had also been one of the reasons that he'd lost Brook as a consultant.

Harden's loss was Graham's gain, thus are the fortunes of war.

As for Agent Russell Houser, Graham didn't care for the man's cavalier attitude nor arrogant manner.

While both federal agents had the appearance of someone working for the government, manners and tells in the person's demeanor could give insight to their character. Houser couldn't take his derisive gaze off Brook, who was now standing side by side with Graham.

"You must be General Elliott," Matt replied, offering his hand. The fact that Harden had used Graham's military rank explained a lot about the man's integrity. "I've heard a lot about you, but the fact that Brook has chosen to go into business with you speaks volumes."

"Iamright here, Matt." Brook was apparently still harboring some resentment toward her former supervisor for his choice of not sharing pertinent information regarding Jacob. "There is a front closet if you'd like to hang your dress coats, though I doubt you'll be here long enough to become that comfortable. As I explained on the phone, there is nothing that I can add to my previous statement that can help you in your search for Jacob."

"We'd still like to go over the days leading up to Lorraine Upton's murder," Houser replied, purposefully removing his dress coat and making his way to the black double doors on the opposite side of the spacious waiting room. "I was sorry to hear that your connection with Jacob Walsh was leaked to the press. The media made it rather difficult to enter the building just now."

While Matt rubbed the back of his neck in annoyance, Brook waited for Houser to focus on her after he'd closed the closet door.

"I'm sorry that happened, as well," Brook replied with a remorseful shake of her head. Graham noticed that Houser actually smirked at her initial reaction, though it slowly faded as she continued with what had to be very deliberate statements. "I'm sure such a leak will make the rest of your investigation that much harder. I mean, had Jacob remained in the city as you had previously suspected, he undoubtedly left first thing this morning after watching the news. Too much media attention and all. I regret to say, I now believe any further efforts by your office will prove fruitless."

Graham could see why Brook hadn't been at all concerned with needing representation for this meeting, though he would have been more comfortable if Vivian had been in attendance. Still, Brook had Houser all figured out, and there was no need for Graham to get in the way of what was sure to be a very long day for her.

"I do believe that I will keep my coat on," Matt replied, managing to refrain from smiling. Such a gesture would have only incensed Houser, especially since Matt still held a fondness for his former consultant. "General Graham, it was a pleasure meeting you."

"You, as well, Agent Harden."

It was good to know that Brook had someone on her side, even though she would have claimed that she didn't need the help. Graham felt a bit more comfortable with taking his leave, though he would be making a couple of calls regarding Special Agent Russell Houser. His confidence in Agent Houser's future was in a freefall. Graham suspected the man's stock was about to follow.

Exchanging a nod with Brook, Graham retrieved his own dress coat that he'd draped over the receptionist's chair behind the main desk. He made his way to the elevator bank with a mix of emotions. Kelsey would soon receive justice for her murder, Austin Ridley would be able to reclaim his life, and Graham would obtain the closure that he'd wanted for way too long.

What then?

Chapter Seven

Brooklyn Sloane

January 2022

Monday — 10:04am


Brook had already made the decision that she would speak with Matt and Agent Houser privately in her office. She wouldn't go as far as sitting behind her desk to display some sort of implied authority, but she wasn't about to permit Houser the satisfaction of dragging her into a conference room setting where he could control the narrative to establish his own. The black leather furniture that she'd chosen with a matching area rug would do just fine, putting them somewhat on an even playing field as colleagues.

It screamed business casual, which was the ambiance that she'd wanted for this meeting to set the ground rules.

"I'd offer you coffee, but I'm sure the reiteration of my previous statement that this won't take long will grant me your forbearance." Brook leaned forward and set her coffee mug on the glass table in front of her. She'd chosen one of the chairs, while both men had taken a seat on the couch. "I take it there has been no headway in the case thus far?"

Matt held up a hand when Agent Houser would have either ignored her inquiry to lead with his own line of questioning or attempted to garner another reaction out of her concerning the leak.

"No, there has been no headway," Matt replied, sitting back as he took his time surveying her office. He slowly nodded his approval. "This suits you, Brook. Not that I would have ever imagined you in the private sector, but it definitely suits you."

Matt had been her mentor, and it had put a small slice into her heart upon discovering the great lengths that he'd gone to in order to keep the body up in Maine a secret. Over time, she'd come to understand that he'd been trying to protect her...and that was something that she wasn't accustomed to receiving from anyone.

"It's an adjustment." While Brook was still adapting to the recent changes in her life, she took great pride in piecing together what was sure to be a great success. She decided to keep the conversation going after witnessing Agent Houser's irritation that Matt was treating her like a friend and colleague instead of a suspect who was aiding and abetting her older brother. "How upset is the upper brass that Theo and Sylvie have left the Bureau?"