Page 37 of Longing for Sin

Brook and Sylvie carried most of the conversation after that, going through what information was needed before they spoke with the two suspects in person. Considering that S&E Investigations technically wasn't law enforcement, they couldn't compel anyone to speak with them.

"Bit, would you care to add anything?" Brook asked after the day's tasks were updated. The fact that his knee stopped bobbing up and down was a telltale sign that something had been on his mind. "You should know by now that any idea along new lines are welcome."

Bit began to turn the energy drink in his hands around and around as he thought over whatever it was that had been bothering him this morning. Brook didn't push him any farther as she began to collect her things to take back to her office. The last time that she'd seen him this on edge had been in a seedy bar when she'd called him out for ratting to a fellow federal agent that she'd utilized his services.

"There is someone else who fits your profile."

Theo had been about to leave the conference room when Bit's announcement had caught everyone off guard. Sylvie stopped dipping her teabag. Brook, on the other hand, was just downright pleased that someone on the team had caught the similarities between a potential suspect and her profile.

"Leslie James Snyder," Brook responded in kind as she stood up from her chair. She picked up the marker that Theo had put back in place and proceeded to write the man's name next to the other two suspects. She then put a line through it. "You're right, Bit. Lesdoesfit the profile, but there is one important piece that you haven't thought of in regard to that particular theory."

Bit leaned forward, setting his energy drink on the table. The hollow sound let everyone know that he'd already consumed the contents.

"He's the right age, he is the only one in his family who couldn't serve in the military due to a heart murmur discovered at the age of twelve. A heart murmur is a medically disqualified defect, according to the latest volume of the Military Procurement & Processing Manual (MPPM). He would know everything about Project Grey Skies due to his close relationship with his father," Bit replied eagerly as he focused on Sylvie and Theo to see if they agreed with him. "Think about it. It makes sense. And who would ever suspect him?"

"You don't think his family would have noticed—"

Theo broke off the rest of his sentence. He then closed his eye upon the realization of his words. It was the first time that he touched his eyepatch, resting his fingers against the soft fabric in mortification.

"Theo is right," Brook replied softly, not wanting this case to veer toward her relationship with Jacob. They'd had a solid week of being able to focus on their investigation, and she wasn't about to have them all walk on eggshells to coddle her mental wellbeing. Besides, it was only natural that such a question be on their minds. "Not so much about the Snyders, but about Lori. We're going on the assumption that her stalker is our unsub. I do believe we are correct in that theory, and she would have had a sense of familiarity upon noticing her stalker. She grew up with her brother, so she knows his frame and mannerisms. Had Les been the one following her, Lori would have recognized him at a casual glance."

"Not necessarily," Sylvie said after clearing her throat. Her gaze darted to Theo, who had thinned his lips and remained quiet after breaking off his question. While he persisted on focusing on the table, she continued with her own theory. "Lori noticed her stalker during the winter months. A large jacket and a ballcap at enough of a distance could have camouflaged his movements easily enough that she couldn't recognize him at a distance."

Brook highly doubted that was the case, but she wasn't one to overlook anything.

"See what else you can find on him. Oh, and Bit? Conduct a background check into Artie Keyes," Brook said after giving it some thought. There was no reason not to give them the go ahead on Leslie Snyder or the other friend who had appeared somewhat uncomfortable during the previous discussion that she'd had with the family. She exchanged the marker for her tablet and coffee cup. "Let's get to work."

Theo was the first one out the door, followed by Sylvie and Bit. Brook held back, wondering if she shouldn't stop by Theo's office to make sure that he was alright. Clearly, something was wrong. Maybe a headache, insomnia, or simply having a bad day. She decided against it, figuring he was a grown man who could take care of himself. He knew where her office was if there was anything she could do to help him gain some traction.

The rest of the day passed by rather uneventfully. They'd all decided on ordering lunch in from a small Italian restaurant nearby, with the exception of Sylvie. She'd left the office and returned an hour later. Brook had also noticed that Chet Johnson coincidentally left and returned at the same time, not that she'd made mention of that fact. Sylvie's past year had been rough after her father's arrest, and she was most likely seeking the company of a friend to help her deal with the upheaval in her life.

Brook had spent most of the morning making some discreet calls regarding Nathan Dante, although they apparently hadn't been as subtle as she'd hoped.

"I knew this investigation wouldn't fly under the radar, but I didn't think that my phone would be ringing every five minutes," Graham announced after he'd entered her office. He was once again not wearing his dress coat, which told her that he'd parked in the heated parking garage. His grey suit was pressed to perfection, as usual. This time around, there was a touch of burgundy in his tie. It was the second new one that he'd worn this month. "Nathan Dante? Are you seriously considering him as a suspect?"

"Good afternoon to you, as well," Brook replied wryly as she leaned back from her monitor. She had been going over the report that Bit and Sylvie had put together on Nathan Dante, looking more into his childhood. He fit a lot of the categories of her profile. "I made two phone calls, and one of them was to someone who I trust."

"You don't trust anyone," Graham pointed out, taking a seat on her couch. He had a file in his hand, which she could only assume was the vital information that she needed on Project Grey Skies. "And you just so happened to reach out to someone who regards Captain Wallace Dante very highly. He was very interested to know why my new business partner was putting out feelers regarding his son. He was hoping it was for a job opportunity, and he's awaiting my phone call."

Brook wasn't one who was usually fazed by anything of the sort, but she internally cringed at the situation that she'd inadvertently put Graham in with her latest string of phone calls. On the other hand, she wouldn't apologize for doing her job. He wouldn't want her to, either.

"It's a good thing you don't know anything about my inquiries then," Brook countered, pushing her chair back. She picked up the water that she'd poured into one of those travel mugs that kept drinks cold and made her way to the chair positioned diagonally from the couch. "I'm sure the return call will be brief."

"It's a bit hot in here, isn't it?"

"I wouldn't say hot," Brook disputed, crossing her legs and making herself comfortable. Graham didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave. "Cozy."

"Agree to disagree. And I don't believecozyis even in your vocabulary," Graham contended, setting the file to the side. He rested his hand on it while regarding her intently. "You wouldn't have made such calls without a valid reason.Doyou believe there is a chance Nathan Dante killed my daughter?"

Brook needed to tread very carefully.

Graham Elliott was one of the most composed men who she'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was methodical and extremely calculated in every word and action that he implemented in his daily life. She wasn't so sure it would remain so when she and her team handed his daughter's killer to him on a silver platter.

"Nathan Dante is one of several persons of interest," Brook clarified, a part of her grateful that they had more than one suspect. Graham would be less likely to react in a way that could have him living the rest of his own life behind bars. "We are also looking into Isaac Ambrose and Les Snyder."

Although Brook wasn't convinced that Les Snyder had anything to do with his sister's death, let alone six other women, it was good in terms of filling Graham in on the investigation. She didn't view it as misleading him, so much as ensuring that she had no additional worries during the investigation.

"Les Snyder? As in the middle son of General James Snyder?"