Page 28 of Longing for Sin

She wasn't surprised to find that the doorbell was one with a camera installed in the device, and it crossed her mind that Bit had more than likely already accessed the cloud storage for all the cameras on the Snyders' account to see who had come and gone from the residence and the surrounding property during the days before and after Lori's funeral. That was something else that Brook and Bit would keep from the others. No sense in everyone going down with the ship, not that she intended for that to be an eventuality.

Brook pressed the doorbell, hearing the muffled chime resonate inside the house. The heavy entrance with an extravagant pine wreath swung open to reveal a tall gentleman who she recognized as General Snyder's older son—Daniel James Snyder.

"May I help you?"

"Yes," Brook replied over the low murmur of conversation taking place inside. "I'm a friend of General Graham Elliott. I'm here to speak with your father."

Brook purposefully withheld her name, though she doubted such a choice made a difference. Daniel's eyes narrowed in on her in a way that had her fully aware he knew who was standing on his father's doorstep.

"You're Brooklyn Walsh."

"Brook Sloane, actually." She didn't break their gaze. "Is your father home?"

"Yes," Daniel replied, backing up a step. He had a tumbler in his hand, and she figured it was either two fingers worth of whiskey or an aged brandy. The family was clearly celebrating something. "Please, come in. I apologize if I offended you. It's just that your statement to the press last night was quite remarkable."

Brook could see his interest turn to curiosity, just as she could see when recognition dawned as to why she'd requested to speak with his father.

"You mentioned General Elliott. It's known that he's been wanting his daughter's case reopened, but what would that have to do with Lori?" Daniel glanced toward what Brook could only assume was the kitchen, which was where the voices were drifting from around a large wall filled with family photographs. "Listen, maybe we should step back outside. My parents have suffered enough, and—"

"Mr. Snyder, my business is with your father," Brook stated firmly, but also with compassion. "Please. I'm sure he'll want to hear what I have to say with regards to your sister's case."

"Bobby Anderson killed Lori," Daniel said with certainty, still reserved about letting her farther into the house. "It took a long time for my family to find comfort in the fact that the man who killed Lori is serving time behind bars. I hope that someone makes him regret the day he was born. Trust me, it would be better for everyone if he never got out of prison."


General James Snyder came around the wall, his distinguished looks and the manner in which he carried himself even more impressive in person. Brook had spent all morning doing research on the fathers, specifically focusing on the bearing of the man walking toward her.

"Dad, I think we should take this into your office," Daniel murmured, reaching behind him to set his drink down on the entryway table. "This is—"

"Ms. Sloane."

Brook caught the look of surprise on Daniel's face, though she suppressed hers. She should have known that Graham would reach out to the other fathers involved, if not just as a courtesy. Agent Clemmons had assured her that he would remain quiet until she had a chance to speak with the Snyders.

"General," Brook greeted, returning his handshake. "It's an honor to meet you. Your service to our country is admirable."

"Graham spoke highly of you during our phone conversation the other day. Your achievements in the Bureau are the main reason that I agreed to hear you out, although I didn't anticipate our meeting to be quite so soon."

"Word has it that you issue your deployment orders next week, and I didn't want to have to track you down halfway across the globe to speak with you while you were dispensing those orders," Brook replied, half-jokingly. Her attempt to inject a bit of humor into the situation garnered her a smirk. "Trust me, I had a backup plan."

"I'm sure you did, Ms. Sloane."

"Dad, why didn't you tell us—"

"Daniel, go ahead and join the others," General Snyder advised softly, along with a reassuring smile. Still, there was a slight edge in his tone that brook no argument. "I'll explain everything to you boys after I've spoken to Ms. Sloane."

It was clear that Daniel disagreed with his father about how the situation was being handled, but General Snyder wasn't a man who people could ignore...not even his sons.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" General Snyder inquired as he led her straight through a great room that might have been an inch or two larger than her entire condo. From the front of the residence, the home had appeared quite modest. The exterior was quite deceiving as to how large the residence was in reality. "We're having a small gathering today to celebrate Charlie's return from his most recent assignment. He'll be traveling to a new duty station in North Carolina at the beginning of the month."

"I do apologize for stopping by unannounced." Brook carried on the conversation as she surveyed the beautiful farmhouse décor. The muted hues of greys and whites were displayed in a time-honored classic manner, yet the comfortable style still held a unique, artistic flare. The large family photos hadn't been updated since Lori's death, and it was doubtful that the Snyders would ever have them retaken. "The staff in your office is quite protective of your official schedule, as they should be. Still, it's important we talk before you leave the country for your next deployment. I would love a glass of water, though."

Brook was mindful of what she said while walking through the living room. The low murmurs of conversation in the background had basically gone silent. Those family members and guests who were in the kitchen had obviously been informed by Daniel as to who had been at the front door. She would like to meet them, though.

"Please, make yourself comfortable," General Snyder said, setting his tumbler on a slate coaster that was on his desk. He purposefully made his way back to the door, calling out to his wife. "Brenda, would you please bring in a bottle of water from the fridge?"

Brook set her purse down next to the guest chair that she'd opted to claim, hoping that when Mrs. Snyder brought the water into the office that she would take the other seat.

"I think Daniel was taken aback by your presence," General Snyder claimed as he closed the distance between them. "Here. Let me take your coat."