Page 83 of Identity

“But not Morgan, and she’s the one he spent his time and effort on.”

“Exactly.” Miles nodded at his mother. “As far as the investigators know, she’s the only one who survived.”

“And a narcissist doesn’t fail.” Nell poked at her salad. “Can’t admit failure, anyway. So the locket. Leaving that’s toying with her, making sure she knows he intends to succeed. On his own schedule.”

“The FBI agrees with you, and so does Jake. And I agree with them,” Miles added, “on our part. Security has his photo and all salient information, as do all department managers. I’ve added guest services, doormen, valets, and the butler staff to that. One of the Security team will walk Morgan to her car after closing. She’ll park in the guest lot, in front.”

“Better,” Mick agreed. “We have security lights in the staff lot, but the guest lot’s in view of the front entrance.”

“We’ll put a single number, direct to Security, on her phone.”

“She often closes Après alone,” Nell considered. “I think she should have someone with her.”

“Good point.” Drea continued to make notes on her tablet. “This maniac is less likely to try to hurt her when someone’s nearby. With everything else he is, he’s also a coward.”

“I could shift her to days. It’s a waste of her skills, but we could move her.”

“She’ll balk.” Miles shook his head at his sister. “I thought about it, but in addition to her pushing back here, people tend to be more careful at night. She isn’t careless, so I don’t see her taking risks.”

“She’s a sensible young woman.” Lydia spoke for the first time. “We already have policies and protocol in place to ensure the safety of our guests and our staff. We add these layers to it for these circumstances. Are we all agreed on that?”

“Of course we are.” Mick patted his wife’s hand. “She’s part of the resort family, and we look after family. I’m going to add I like her style behind the bar. Got a smooth way. I may not understand how anyone mixes lavender with tequila, but she’s got a smooth way.”

“The lavender margarita. I could use one right about now.”

“How about I buy you a drink, babe, when the meeting adjourns?”

Drea smiled at her husband. “You’ve got a deal.”

“That’s all I have at the moment. I’m going to keep in contact with the agents in charge, with Jake, and we can adjust what we’re doing, depending. Nell, will you text Morgan about her parking arrangements?”

“Can do. I’m going to ask her to come in thirty minutes early tomorrow so we can go over all of this. I’d also like to know why she went to Grand instead of me.”

“She thought we’d let her go.”

Liam goggled at his grandmother. “Get out. She ought to know better.”

“Now she does,” Miles said.

“Still. Anyway, I’ll talk to the Adventure managers in the morning, cover that end. If we’re done, I’m going to take off. I’ve got a date.”

“Liam Jameson has a date.” Now his sister feigned shock. “Alert the media!”

“You’re just jealous.”

“A little bit.”

He poked her as he rose. “You’d have a date, too, if you weren’t so picky.”

“You’d have fewer dates if you were more selective.”

“Maybe, but then I’d be heading to the movies alone. Night, all.”

“Ah, to be twenty-five.” Mick sighed.

“At twenty-five, you were engaged to me.”

He grabbed Lydia’s hand, kissed it. “Exactly. Why don’t I buyyoua drink, my own darling?”