Page 81 of Identity

“Close enough. Somebody from Security will walk you to your car after closing every night. Jake said you have an alarm system on the house. Use it. Don’t buy another piece of crap. You need four-wheel or all-wheel drive.”

Something about the blunt, no-bullshit-taken tone brought some strange sort of comfort. “I know.”

“Have you ever bought a car before?”

“Yes. I had a nice Prius. He stole it.”

“Don’t pay sticker price because you’re tired and have a headache.”

Everything in her felt off and dull and stupid. “I am tired. I do have a headache.”

“Don’t pay sticker price or fall for all the add-ons.” He waited while she unlocked the car.

She just nodded, got in the car.

He held the door open, looked down at her.

“Morgan, when something’s your fault, you take responsibility for it or you’re an asshole. When something’s not your fault, you’re stupid to take responsibility for it. None of this is on you. Go buy a car,” he said, and shut the door.

Once again, he stood, hands in pockets, to watch her drive away. Then he went back inside to schedule an emergency family meeting.

It would take less time that way.

She bought a car. She didn’t go into it or come out of it with the same pure joy she had before, but she bought a car. And she didn’t pay sticker price. Still, Morgan credited that more to her grandmother’s patronage of the dealer than her own negotiating skills.

Either way, she now owned a new compact SUV that would handle winter when it came around again. A hybrid that satisfied her economic and environmental values, and didn’t wheeze, clunk, or cough.

She considered the fact that giving her anything but a pitying look as a trade-in on Nina’s car was a bonus.

As promised, her ladies beat her home, and must have watched for her, as they both came out when she pulled into the drive.

“Oh, it’s so cute!” Audrey clapped her hands together. “What a pretty blue.”

“Looks sturdy.” As she circled it, Olivia nodded approval. “And safe.”

“Sturdy, safe, and cute. Good job, Morgan.”

“It’s a hybrid. I don’t do a lot of driving, and they have a couple of charging stations at the resort, so it’s practical.”

“Hits all the notes then.” Ready to soothe, Audrey put an arm around Morgan’s waist. “You’re worn out, baby. Let’s go in, get some food in you. Gram made her smoked tomato soup. How about I make you a nice grilled cheese sandwich to go with it?”

“That sounds great, thanks.” Inside, Audrey hung her coat before Morgan could. “They didn’t fire me or ask me to resign.”

“Of course they didn’t. How about some tea? Why don’t you put the kettle on, Mom?”

“A good stiff drink might put the color back in her face, but we’ll stick with tea. Sit down, Morgan. You got through it, and getting through it’s what counts.”

She sat at the counter, pressed her fingers to her eyes. “I cried. God, I just lost it, right in Mrs. Jameson’s office.”

After turning the flame on under the kettle, Olivia turned back. “I doubt it’s the first time Lydia’s had tears in her office.”

“Then Miles came in while I’m on my jag. He said I was stupid.”

Busy slathering butter on slices of sourdough, Audrey paused, and her eyes fired. “For crying?”

“No, no, for thinking they were going to let me go. And I felt stupid, and relieved, and they were so kind. Matter-of-fact kind, so I felt even more stupid and relieved.”

She dropped her hands. “He actually said they needed to lend me a car because I was driving a crap pile.”