Page 137 of Identity

“Yeah, but going with Nash all around feels right. It feels good, the whole thing. So another side benefit to us having all that sex.”

“I’m planning on more, so we can see what else comes out of it.”

She smiled at him over her wine. “So, can I ask how your workday went, or do you like leaving that back at the resort?”

“Work never stays just at the resort. That’s running a family business.”

“I get that, entirely. My ladies are always talking a new piece, a new idea. Just last night, when I got home, they were having pound cake because they’d decided to add it to the café menu. So, workday?”

“Monday morning meeting with department heads, a request from the head butler to update their kitchen and storage areas. Accounting reports, and I was spared from that for a too-brief period when Jake came by.”


“Jake Dooley.”

“Chief Dooley?” Her throat wanted to close. “Is there—”

“No. We’re friends, good friends. We went to middle and high school together. He’s… Well, he’s family.”

“I met him at the café opening. I didn’t realize you were friends.”

“Not quite womb to tomb. More puberty and beyond. He wants to do a team-building deal with his force on the ropes course. He’s working it out with Liam.”

Just normal things, Morgan realized. How wonderful to talk of normal things.

“Have you tried it yet?”

“It’s the Jameson way. You offer something to guests, you try it out. We excused my grandparents.”

“How’d you do?”

“I did fine. Liam’s like damn Spider-Man, but I did fine. You should try it.”

“Maybe I will—in my next life. But I could probably do it. I’m getting beefed up.”


“I am! Comparatively.”

“Wanna arm-wrestle?”

“No. But we can body-wrestle after pizza.”

He took another slice. “Damn close to the perfect woman.”

When she got home, slid into bed, she felt damn close to perfect.

In the middle of the workweek, he came into the bar one evening with his brother and sister. Another third-generation meeting, she decided when they grabbed a table in the back.

She filled their table order when their server came to the bar.

Three Après burgers, double order of cheese fries to share. Liam’s favored draft, white wine for Nell, and the Cabernet for Miles. A bottle of still water for the table.

While she worked, she observed.

They talked. Some laughs, some headshaking or rolled eyes. Mild arguing—no, more debating, she decided. Pauses to speak to their server.

They stayed nearly ninety minutes, and stopped by the bar on the way out.