“Good to know. Catch that guy at the end of the bar, then you can clock out. I’ll get this order.”
“You got it. My mom’s watching the baby, and we’re going to the movies. I love that girl to pieces, but it’ll sure be nice to go out with my sweetheart.”
He drew a draft for the guest at the bar. Set a glass of white wine beside it. “Expecting his wife, running a tab, room 305. I’m out.”
“Have a good time.”
She poured and drew, mopped and served, and almost forgot about the nagging soreness.
Near midnight, Miles took a stool.
She set a glass of Cab in front of him. “Not your usual night,” she commented.
“I have a usual?”
“Friday night.”
He shrugged. “I’ve got some work. Haven’t seen you in the gym before,” he said before she could move away and leave him to it.
“My first time. In that gym or any.”
Amber eyes studied her face as if she were a puzzle to solve. “You’ve seriously never gone to the gym? Ever?”
“I had other priorities besides a gym membership.”
“So you streamed workouts at home?”
“No.” Why did that make her feel embarrassed? “Not everybody… some of us… I biked. I biked to my day job most days.”
“Okay.” But he picked up his wine instead of his phone. “And?”
“I biked,” she repeated. “About ten miles round-trip. And things.”
“What things?”
“Like… normal things.”
A smile came into his eyes. She hadn’t seen that happen before. Into irritation snuck a wish she could keep it there.
“Jen work you out?”
“It was supposed to be a self-defense class, and it started that way. Then it’s ‘Take these weights. Give me five more reps.’”
“Feeling it?”
“God, yes. Now she says I have to go into that torture chamber three times a week, and I’m afraid if I don’t, she’ll hunt me down and make me pay.”
“You’ll go in, but not for fear of Jen.”
“Why else?”
“You’re not a quitter.”
Not sure what to make of that, she moved down the bar to fill a table order. When she glanced back, his thumbs were busy texting, so she left him alone.
At last call, she set a glass of still water on the bar. “Are you in here to keep an eye on me?”