“Who could help it? Look at that face.” She crooned it while she took that furry face in her hands.
She dashed to the kitchen.
“I can help it,” he told Howl, then got up to turn on the grill.
When she announced she liked her steak medium rare, she edged closer yet to the perfect woman.
And the potatoes she’d obsessed over hit the right accompanying note. While they ate, Howl—fed and knowing the rules—settled down several feet away.
“So we’re square,” Miles announced as the sun began its western dip.
“If making half a meal qualifies, I’ll take it. And I’m about to feed your ego again.”
“I can make room.”
“I’m so relaxed. I don’t think I’ve been this relaxed in—probably never. Thanks.”
“I’ll say you’re welcome, though it’s been pretty obviously my pleasure.”
“And all I had to do was bake cookies. I’ll add to that by doing the dishes before I go. It’s one of my top skills.”
When they’d put the kitchen to rights, he gripped her hips, boosted her up.
“Let’s finish where we started,” he said, and took her back to the couch.
When they’d finished where they’d started, she got dressed again.“Do I really look like I’ve spent the afternoon and most of the evening having sex?”
“Yes. I did my job.”
She pushed a hand through her hair. “Then the reaction when I get home is on you. You be a good boy,” she told Howl while she rubbed and stroked him into delirium.
“You’ve got tomorrow off.”
“Monday’s fun day.”
“Not for me, but I should work it to get home by seven. Come back.”
She looked up from the dog, met those fascinating eyes. “I could stop in town, pick up a pizza.”
“That’ll work. Get a large. Pepperoni, and anything but mushrooms.”
“All right.”
Back in his boxers, he walked her to the door. “See you tomorrow.” Then he backed her against the door and kissed her until her bones melted and poured out of her body.
“Good night. ’Night, Howl.”
He waited in the doorway while she got in her car, waited until she’d driven away before he closed the door.
When he did, the dog let out a mourning howl.
“You’re a grown woman.” Morgan lectured herself as she walked from her car to the front door. “A grown, single woman. You’re allowed to have sex.”
Besides, they couldn’t ground her.
She went in, dealt with the alarm. And seriously considered the cowardly route of going straight up to her room. There, she could shut the door and do a crazed happy dance.