“I appreciate it more than I can express,” Sally said.

“Well, don’t just thank me,” Tony replied. “This one here,” he nodded toward me, “was on her way to take those two on by herself before I insisted on coming. Truth be told, I probably did them a favor by not letting Jude rip them a new one on her own.”

“You’re right about that,” I said, a tinge of anger gripping my words.

Sally turned back to me. "Can I shower and borrow something to wear home?"

"Of course," I replied, gesturing vaguely toward the guest room. "There are some clothes in the top drawer you can use."

Sally nodded her thanks, her gaze flitting between Tony and me, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. As she left the kitchen, she threw one last comment over her shoulder. "Oh… and try not to thank him too much while I'm in the shower." With that, she was gone, leaving behind a silence that was suddenly filled with a mix of awkwardness and laughter.

Tony and I stared at each other, our eyes flicking toward the doorway Sally just disappeared through. The silence stretched on, heavy with the aftermath of her teasing.

"So..." Tony began, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "That was... something."

I chuckled lightly, rolling my eyes. "She can be a bit forward sometimes."

There was another beat of silence, then we both broke into laughter, tension evaporating into the morning light. As our chuckles died down, Tony stepped forward, closing the distance between us. His eyes gave way to something deeper, more intense, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

His kiss was hungry, echoing the desire coursing through me. As he pulled away, he whispered against my lips, "I don't have any plans today."

Neither did I, I realized. "Same here."

He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lips tugging upward. "Then why don't we spend the day together? After we drop Sally home, of course."

It was impulsive and not entirely thought through, but it felt right. I found myself nodding, a smile spreading across my face.

"Sounds perfect."

* * *

Two weeks had swept by since that awkward, but delightful, morning with Sally. Tony and I had woven our lives together in a captivating dance of familiarity and novelty, spending nearly every evening in each other's company. Sometimes we nestled into the warmth of his house, other times the quiet comfort of mine, filling the hours with laughter, conversation, and an intimacy I hadn't known I craved.

We had ventured on actual dates too, exchanging the stillness of our homes for the buzz of the city. And we'd cooked for each other, his signature Spanish dishes winning my taste buds over with their rich, fiery flavors. I had found myself playfully teasing him about it, the meals so delicious that I jokingly lamented the extra pounds I feared they would add.

But one morning, after a night spent apart, I noticed that my playful laments might not have been so unfounded. There were indeed a few extra pounds clinging to my frame, a minor change, yet enough to be noticeable. It didn't add up. While I had been indulging in Tony's cooking, I hadn't altered my diet that much nor had I been slacking on my exercise. On top of it all, an unsettling wave of nausea had been sweeping over me throughout the days, coming and going.

My mind immediately jumped to a gall bladder issue, given the nausea and unexpected weight gain. But then, it struck me. My period, as regular as clockwork, had not yet arrived. The realization held me captive, its implications swirling in my mind. I was late, something that had never happened before.

As I made my way to work that day, a gnawing apprehension formed in the pit of my stomach. The morning seemed to blur around me, the familiar streets passing in a haze as my mind played out the looming possibilities. The small, nondescript pharmacy I usually frequented suddenly had an ominous presence as I approached it. Gathering my resolve, I stepped inside and grabbed a pregnancy test, an act I never thought I'd need to undertake at this stage in my life.

Once at work, I quickly and discreetly retreated to the seclusion of the restroom, the small box clutched tightly in my hand. As I unwrapped the test and went through the motions, my heart pounded wildly in my chest. It was a deafening echo in the otherwise silent room, the only sound accompanying my chaotic thoughts.

I watched as the small device worked its magic, a river of anxiety coursing through me. I was a whirlpool of emotions—apprehension, shock, fear, and an odd tinge of excitement I hadn't expected. As the seconds ticked by, I found myself clutching the edge of the sink, my knuckles white as the result I feared and longed for simultaneously took its time to reveal itself.

And then there it was. The positive sign stared back at me from the small digital window. I blinked, once, twice, as if my disbelief could alter reality. But the result remained the same. I was pregnant.

The world seemed to stop spinning for a moment, and a wave of emotions crashed over me, leaving me breathless. I stared at the little device that had just single-handedly tipped my world off its axis. I felt the ground beneath me shift, my life changing in an instant.

My heart continued to pound furiously as I tried to wrap my head around the reality of it. There was a life, a tiny, precious life, growing inside me. A life that Tony and I had created. The thought brought on a rush of joy, mingled with a healthy dose of fear. It was uncharted territory for me, for us.

As I continued to stare at the positive sign, a sense of calm slowly began to wash over me. Yes, I was nervous. Yes, it was unexpected. But there was also a part of me that was indescribably happy. Life would undoubtedly be different from this point onward, a beautiful and terrifying adventure that I was about to embark on. As I pocketed the test and took a deep breath, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was an adventure I was ready for.

I went quietly about my day trying to figure out the best way forward. I knew without a doubt that this baby would be my highest priority until I took my last breath.

Chapter 26
