Page 62 of Finally, His

Marcos dipped one chin toward Richard. “You get next time.”

Richard cupped her chin and lifted her gaze. “Look at him. Really look.”

Under hooded, tired eyes, the man who’d ruined her stared at her. His snarl, teeth stained with blood, almost didn’t look real. He was like a cartoon character.

She waited for the shudder, the warning that the fear was still there, mocking her from the inside. It didn’t come. Maybe because she’d just come, her insides still fluttering a bit?

Perhaps it was because she was splayed across the lap of her master, safe.

Or perhaps it was because not a single person looked at Wayne. All eyes were trained on her. They didn’t care about him. At that moment, the full weight of her control, her agency, clicked into place. Those men—and women—were there for her.Richardwas there for her.

She glanced back at Wayne, and the only word she could think of shot into her consciousness.

“Broken,” she whispered. He was so broken.

She twisted to peer up at Richard, her Master, her love, and he let her.

His lips twitched in a hidden smile. But then he turned serious. He ran his hands over her ass slowly, reigniting the burn. God, she loved him. If she could crawl into his chest and stay there forever, she would.

“Master?” she whispered. “Will you …”

“Yes, tesoro.”

She hadn’t even told him what she wanted—to be claimed once more. Right then. Oh, she’d been collared, played with,servedin only the way she needed, which was to serve him. But not in front of the only person on the planet who’d tried to interrupt that full commitment. It was time for Wayne’s hold on her to end.

Richard grasped her around the waist and yanked her up. He dragged the chair so the back faced the crowd. He spun her so she faced it—and all the people gathered around.

So many people in the room, all dead opposite of Wayne’s crowd. Carson, Derek, Marcos, Steffan, Sarah, Laurent, and Alexander all watched her as if they hadn’t a care in the world, as if they didn’t have any other place to be.

Only Laurent looked a little undone. He licked his lips, his hands twitching by his side as if he wished to join in.

Where were the other women?

Sarah was there, her face as placid as ever. But London, Samantha, and Isabella, all mated to the other men, were not. Why did she know an army of guards likely had them sequestered some other place?

Because that was what those men—and Sarah—did. At the first sign of danger, they protected.

“Wayne Trembill,” Richard called. “You don’t get to watch me fuck her. Because that’s what I want. And I always get what I want where Charlotte is concerned.”

Marcos leaned down and yanked Wayne up to stand before spinning the chair, so Wayne sat facing away from everyone, forced to stare at a wall. “Listen and learn,” Marcos said to him.

Amazingly, Wayne let it happen. Perhaps he knew he was outnumbered. The only way out was to fight, and there was no chance of winning.

His suit coat bunched around his waist, the back of his greasy head a few hundred feet away. She almost giggled at the sight. He really did look like he faced the naughty corner. Like a toddler who needed to learn a lesson. It was … sad.

Richard pinched the bruised skin on her ass, and she yelped. “Grab the chair seat and spread those legs.”

The rasp in his voice had grown, likely from playing with her and yet having to hold his own pleasure back. There was a line, however, that once crossed meant he could ravage her on the Capitol Steps in front of the Capitol police without a care.

She leaned over, her hand curling around the wooden back, and widened her stance.

He brought his lips close to her ear. “And right now, my little girl, you’re going to give it all to me. Let him hear you. Tell him how much you belong to me.”

Something shifted in her as if the building blocks of who she thought she was had rearranged somehow.

She didn’t settle on that thought long as a finger pressed into her ass. Oh, my God. Is that what he meant? They’d not done much anal play before—and never with witnesses.

His hand were still wet from her coming all over him, but Jesus … The stretch was just that side of pain.