Page 29 of Finally, His

Show him? It wasn’t like Alexander to give vague instructions, so Eric would have to chance a move. If it wasn’t what Alexander allowed and earned him a punishment, so be it. His agony at watching them touch each other, loving one another without him, couldn’t be topped.

Eric placed his hand on Rebecca’s knee and brought the paintbrush to her inner thigh.

“First,” Eric said, “I’d start with her silhouette.”The brush was light in his hand, but her leg quivered at the contact. It was intoxicating, this ability to make another person shake and moan. He almost understood Alexander’s need to be in control of it, though he himself didn’t.

He dragged the brush through the wetness coating her inner thigh. “It’s important to get the perspective right.”

“I might move to her breasts next.” He brought the brush up to her chest and circled each nipple once with the paintbrush end. Her back arched into the touch, and his cock, ever the dutiful partner, bobbed as if demanding a role.

He was gratified to see Alexander’s erection showed no signs of abating, either.

“I’d want to spend a great deal of time here.” He brought the brush to her pussy, swirling the end along her crease. Ran it up and down a few times until Rebecca was huffing out long moans.

He kept an eye on Alexander’s movements, his reactions from under his lashes. The need for his approval always ran under the surface of his skin, twenty-four-seven. But at times like that, he burned for the man’s acceptance. If granted, Eric would know he wasn't dreaming. He really was there.

Rebecca’s breath hitched anew, the leathersqueaking as she clutched at the bench. Her scent, rich and heady, in the small, enclosed space made his head spin a little.

Then, the colors began to form in his mind—mostly golds and greens, colors he’d always associated with Rebecca. The first time he’d laid eyes on her, he thought, “Elven princess.” It’d been a long while since he'd allowed his imagination to run free.When did he stop painting? Years ago? Longer? Time didn’t operate the same in Alexander’s world.

He continued to lazily draw imaginary lines of color, now mixing in blues and yellow in his mind’s eye—along Rebecca’s thighs, belly, and labia.A dream-like quality settled over him—as if he wasn’t there, yet he was.

Alexander shifted on the seat bench, breaking into his fog. He’d grabbed a fistful of her hair. “Make her come like this, Eric. And, Rebecca, don’t hold back.”

Permission granted, he yanked her leg open farther, so her labia was fully opened to him. He swirled and circled the brush right where she wanted. Abright yellow and orange sun bursting out of his mind’s eyes mixed with the glistening pink. She was truly a sunset now, perched next to Alexander—as still and gold as the moon emerges in the twilight.

She released almost immediately—a reckless, beautiful release that had her clutching at Alexander’s arm with one hand and the back of the limo bench with the other as her hips bucked upward.

The colors that danced in his consciousness soon shifted from the bright reds and oranges to something quieter, like the steel gray of a lake with a light blue in the sky overhead. He blinked hard and brought the brush down to settle against his knee. He was still rock hard, but something inside him had loosened.

Alexander’s icy blue eyes filled his vision. “Well done.”

He blinked up at the man. His vocal cords had long ago stopped working.

Alexander took the paintbrush from his fingers and flicked it to the floor.“I’d like you to get started tomorrow. I will watch you work”—he ran a fingertip down the side of Rebecca’s breast—“as Rebecca poses.”

He then grasped Eric’s hand and molded his fingers around Alexander’s erection. “And once it’s done, we will have a celebration. All three of us.”


Rebecca’s body strung tight. Every muscle, sinew, and tendonwas strained, fighting its position. That was what happened when you sat for a portrait and didn’t move for thirty minutes.


If Rebecca widened her knees any farther, she would be in a full split. She endeavored to obey Alexander’s order anyway. In moments like that, her body would follow Alexander’s lead as if tied to him by puppet strings.

Her arms shook as she leaned against them, her legs spread wide, revealing even more of herself.

She studied Alexander’s eyes. As soon as she’d been positioned like that, he’d asked for them in his indomitable way.“Give me your eyes.”His silky voice matched his presence so perfectly it was almost as if he weren’t real.

But he was real.

Many people revered Alexander over the years. But they would never know him as well as she. She’d seen the nearly-invincible man vulnerable—when he was younger and hadn’t yet shaped himself to be the indomitable Alexander Rockingham.

But even then, vulnerable or not,she’d never seen him weak. Not even forty years ago, standing outside the Wynter's locked gate trying to get inside to her and their shared dying lover, Charles. Today, she doubted he would ever let something as feeble as a sixteen-foot iron gate stand between her and Eric.

She ached to swat the old memories away, staying present.

It was futile.