Page 42 of Finally, His

Eric cocked his head as if he didn’t understand, but he took it and peered inside. He swallowed, reached in, and pulled out the Contessa. She’d seen better days. The leather was now cracked in places, the handle frayed. “This is …” He looked up at Alexander.

“For our next scene. Only this time”—he leaned forward—“you’re not getting away with just a butt plug. Understand?” He would fuck the man senseless.

Eric chuckled a little and tugged at his hair. “Sounds like I’m getting my wish instead of you.” Was he attempting to lighten things?

Alexander’s jaw tensed. “No. It’s my wish. And every time you think yourself unequal, it …” Damn, stupid emotion lodged in this throat. Unexpected. Unwanted. He needed Eric to get it.

Rebecca’s lungs expanded into his chest as she took a long breath. “It hurts,” she filled in for him.

Eric’s eyes widened slightly. “I would never hurt you.”

“Then know what I say,” he said.

Eric’s shoulder’s dropped an inch, and he nodded.

Alexander drew closer to him, taking Rebecca with him. ‘If you ever feel that old insecurity creeping up on you, you tell me.” He glanced at the portrait again. “I’ll remind you.”

One side of Eric’s mouth inched up in his signature smirk. But he nodded. Finally, perhaps, the man got what he meant to him.

“But this time with my cock, not a butt plug.” He arched an eyebrow in warning.

“Ready when you are.”

Alexander chuckled. “Now, let’s join the party out there.” He gestured for them to move toward the door.

“But won’t the owners want their two paintings? They both sold, right?” Rebecca craned her neck backward at the three paintings.

“Yes, I do want them. I own all three.”

She playfully slapped his chest. “And here I thought my portrait was ending up over Seamus’s mantle. He was teasing me about it all night.”

“Over my dead body,” Alexander said. “They’re officially for our eyes only. Our secret. I hope you don’t mind, especially about your work.” He slapped Eric on the shoulder. “It’s just I’m rather possessive over you … and Rebecca.”

Lines around Eric’s eyes softened. “I’m touched. Honored.” He cleared his throat.

“Good. Because I plan on doing much touching tonight.”

“Anything you wish,” Eric said.

Rebecca nodded vigorously.

“Now”—Alexander winked at her—“before we abandon the party, care to help me with something?”

“Of course,” she said.

“We’re going to announce to everyone your training camp idea. Only I think we need to expand the idea. To a real school.”

Rebecca clapped her hands in glee. “Perfect. And I have another idea.”

Of course, she did.

“You have the Dominant’s council with the Tribunal. But what if I start a submissive council?”

Eric snorted. “Are you kidding? Can you see a bunch of submissives trying to decide something? ‘You ask him. No, you ask him.’”

Alexander laughed. “You do have a point there.” Sobering, he said, “But I’ll consider it. I’m in a generous mood.”

“Wow, remind me to ask you for a yacht,” Eric said.