Page 24 of Finally, His

He yanked her upright and held her against him. His chest was rising and falling, and within seconds, her breath matched his. She took it as a sign.

“I haven’t had … someone in a very long time,” he rasped in her ear.

“I never have.” Sure, she’d had boyfriends, but no one who was thatspecialsomeone. A man she’d consider being with her entire life. Now, a life without her Master couldn’t be. He may reject her, but she’d always be his.

His cheek lifted against her hair. He was smiling? “No one? I find that hard to believe. You’re special.”

She twisted to nestle into him. He let her. His warmth and strength met her cheek. “Only when I’m with you.”

“Yours is not a light offer.”

He wanted time to consider? She supposed it was fair, though she might die if another second passed without knowing how he felt. She peered up at him. “I know. And if you don’t want—”

Cool air replaced the warmth as he put a little space between them. His hands cupped her cheeks, stopping her words. “No. I want. I meant you giving yourself to me is a priceless treasure. I’ve learned you’re incomparable, Colette.”

“I lied about the journal.” She had to get it out. “The other night, but it was the only time, and I—”

“I know.” He smiled down at her and dropped his hands down to her neck. “Your voice gave it away.”

She dropped her gaze. “You knew? Of course, you did. You know everything.”

“No, I don’t. I had no idea you wanted …”

“You?” She lifted her lashes. “It’s always been you. Always will be.”

“There’s so much more to explore.”

Her grin couldn’t be contained, and he chuckled at her response.

He rested his forehead on hers. “So much.”

Their stance was so intimate, sweet, that her eyes pricked. “Can we do some of it in the Accendos gardens?” She had a fantasy of a scene outdoors, and now that some invisible seal had been broken, her mind tumbled with all kinds of things she wanted to do with him—but only him.

“We can.” He sucked in a long breath and rose to his full height. His hand left her, and he stepped back, smile dropping. “But first, turn around and assume the position. We start now.”

She gave him a view of her back and lowered herself to the desk.

His belt buckle clanked.Oh,God, yes, please. Let that sound mean what she thought it meant. His hand fisted her hair, the pull on her scalp both delicious and stinging.

“Being mine means forever, Colette.”Another firm tug on her hair. “Are you ready?”

“Always ready for you, Sir.”

He pushed into her, and she was lost. Lost for good. Lost to his heaven.

But she heard his voice through all the pleasure. “Then you are …” One more thrust. “… mine.”



Nothing compared to the sound of an open palm on flesh. That sharp crack, followed by a gasp or moan, always sent a shiver of pleasure up Eric’s spine.

“Are you telling the truth?” Master Griffin asked the woman strapped to the spanking bench. More crying ensued. Eric had to hand it to Lina. He’d been watching the scene for the better part of an hour. She was tough.

A feminine snuffle was next. “No.”

That was the first honest thing to come out of Lina’s mouth all day. She’d once again refused to follow simple protocol, something she often did to get attention.