Page 37 of Darkest Need

“Saving?” Cassius questions. “We didn’t come here to save you; we came here to support you. As you said very eloquently, the world doesn’t always need a savior, they need a sacrifice. Someone willing to give their all to save just one.” He pats me on the back and walks away.

Chapter Seventeen


I don’t even know how to describe how the last few days have been. I still have the star inside me—Cassius said her sacrifice was her choice. And Tarek…well Tarek’s been sleeping, trying to recover.

I grab another bottle of juice and some crackers and walk upstairs. The room is silent. I knock a few times, then shove the door open when he doesn’t answer.

He’s lying in bed like he’s dead.

He has no clothes on, just a small part of the duvet covering his thigh. His gorgeous dark hair falls around his chin, touching his shoulders, and his full lips are pulled into a pout as if he’s upset.

I briefly put my hand under his nose to make sure he’s breathing, only to have him snatch me by the wrist and tug me against his warm body. “It’s not fair that I get the smell of you but no bites. What did They tell you?” His eyes open, so bright and clear. “What did the Creator tell you?”

I swallow slowly, my face pressed against Tarek’s chest. “They told me to live. They…” Tears well in my eyes. “They set me free.”

“And the punishment of two days to roam the Earth? Gone?”

I smile sadly. “All because one of the oldest humans to live is in your blood. Only because an apple of the Fallen was returned to its source. All because—at one point—you loved me, and I loved you back. And when it really mattered, when you put your life on the line for another, it showed mercy. So, you see, your bravery mattered, as well as your sacrifice. You talk about saving others, knowing their futures, not knowing your own, not being needed by anyone because of your gift, but in the end, you saved me every time without even knowing it. I owe you everything. My gratitude, my love, my heart, and my soul.”

Tarek goes very still.

I start to get up, but he pulls me right back down, pinning my body against the soft bed. “Not so fast.”

I inhale his scent. He’s still so delicious, like the very air I breathe and the earth I walk on. “Why not? Don’t you need rest?”

Tarek pushes me harder against the mattress, his smirk sending chills down my spine as my legs move to get away from him. “Oh, hell no. I need respite.”

“And how does that happen?”

“I believe you sucked on me a few days ago.” His smirk has me feeling so many things that I’m almost afraid to speak. His smile spreads wide as he grips me by the neck and throws me against the mattress. “Maybe now it’s my turn.”

Panic hits me, and then he cups my face. “I’ll sacrifice for you. I’ll kill. I’ll do anything. But, Lilith, what I won’t do is ever force you. So know that while I want nothing more than to torture you the way you did me… I’ll go back to sleep and pretend this moment never happened if you want.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my cheek, then whispers in my ear, “But I really want to bite.”

Chills run down my spine as I look into his now-blue eyes, they flash gold briefly. It’s beautiful. I watch his full lips turn red in anticipation and his fangs elongate. I slowly turn my head so he sees my vein. “Then, by all means, werewolf. Bite.”

His fangs dig into my neck before I can scream, and ecstasy washes over me instantly. Warm blood drips down, and he feeds so hard I feel his fangs digging past my vein. I feel him in my soul.

There is no escaping his grip, no freeing myself from his trap.

It’s like the sun burning me from the inside, yet I want more. I grip the back of his neck and pull him closer. “More,” I whisper.

“Always.” He flips me onto my back and rips my shirt from my body, then the rest of my clothes. “Always.” He flips me over and draws his claws down my back, creating wounds that will scar and stay there for an eternity, ones he’ll lick with his tongue, ones I’ll beg for again and again.

After all, blood is life. And I am life. So is he—beginning and end.

His tongue heals the scratches.

I almost beg for more.

I understood werewolves used blood. I knew it, but I’m not prepared when his bites go from my neck down to my ass, and then he digs in before pulling back and thrusting into me with such force that Iknowhe’s claiming me.

“Finally,” he rasps, moving his hips against me. “Finally. Finally.”

“Finally,” I moan and look over my shoulder.

He shakes his head, his eyes closed, and jaw clenched. “Mate. Finally.” His eyes suddenly flash open, and they’re glowing blue then gold then blue again. “Finally. You.”