“Are you ready for this?” I asked as he kissed me and then pulled back.
“You mean a full house, love and laughter, and so much joy?” Leo asked as we headed down the hall toward Evie.
“When you say it like that…” It sounded beautiful.
Leo lifted our joined hands and kissed mine. “Bellisima. We’ll live a beautiful life.”
“I think so too,” I said softly, never thinking that this could be my life. That I could be so happy. That there was someone out there who fit me perfectly. It might have taken us a long time to realize it, and the circumstances made everything more difficult, but he was with me the whole time.
“Come on,” Evie said as we stood staring at each other in the doorway. “Play this with me.”
She’d found a new card game, and we sat on the floor with her to figure out the rules. We spent the evening exploring her new room and the completed playhouse, cooked dinner together, and watched a movie until Evie fell asleep.
When the movie ended, Leo carried her to her bed, and we tucked her in together. I loved this version of our lives. The one where we shared our joys and burdens. We celebrated the wins and figured out the issues together.
Leo turned on a night-light I hadn’t noticed earlier and grabbed my hand as we headed toward his room.
He pulled me inside and shut the door behind us. “So, what do you say? Will you officially move in with me? Do you think Evie’s ready?”
I nodded. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow and make sure she understands.”
“We can still use the old address for her school, and I can help with drop-off and pickup.”
“You’d do that?” I asked, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion.
“Evie’s mine now too. If she’ll have me, of course. Even if she didn’t adjust to me being in her life, I’d go slow and hope that, over time, she’d adjust.”
“You’re perfect.”
“I think we established this week that I’m anything but. Far from it, actually. But I want to be perfect for you. I want to be the man you can count on.”
Being the man I could count on didn’t mean he was perfect. It meant he tried his best, and that’s all I could ask for. I dropped his hand and pressed my palms against his chest and then wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling us closer. “I can’t seem to get close enough to you.” I felt like crawling inside his body.
“Mmm. I know just the thing that will help you.”
“Yeah?” I asked with a raised brow as he easily lifted me and set me down on the bed. He remained standing so he could draw his T-shirt over his head, unbuckle his belt, and push his pants down until he was naked.
With one knee on the bed, he leaned over me, kissing and touching me. “You need my hands, my mouth, or my tongue?”
“All of the above,” I said, between kisses.
He pushed up my shirt, his large palm resting on my stomach. Not going high or low enough for where I wanted him but building the anticipation for what was to come.
He whispered Italian words as he kissed my exposed skin, slowly undressing me until I was naked. He seemed overcome with emotion. It was almost like he couldn’t believe that I was his.
The feeling was mutual. I pulled him to me, never wanting to stop kissing or touching him.
He paid extra attention to my breasts, sucking on my nipples, working me up until I was writhing beneath him.
When he finally moved lower, dropping kisses onto my stomach, I widened my legs to accommodate him.
“Watch me while I make love to your pussy.”
I grew wetter at his dirty words and moved until I was on my elbows, watching him. He licked and sucked, adding his fingers until it was too much, and my head fell back.
When he stopped, I groaned in protest.
“I said to watch me.”