Harper nodded, not asking why I’d made that request. We dropped off her car, and when she was finally in my passenger seat, I relaxed. She’d added a jean jacket because the evening was cool. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you. I can’t tell you the last time I had to get ready for a date. Where are we going?” she asked, shifting in the seat so she faced me.
I’d initially thought about the traditional dinner at a nice restaurant but then decided against it. “What do you think of mini golf?”
A smile spread over her face. “I don’t get to play because Evie’s not patient enough for it.”
I chuckled. “Next time, we should take her.”
“She takes it so seriously, and then when her ball falls into the water, she gets upset.”
“Poor thing,” I said, trying to imagine her pouting or even her stomping her feet.
“It’s not cute when your five-year-old is throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the green. I’m always worried someone is going to kick us off the course.”
I reached over to touch her bare leg, my cock twitching in my pants at the contact. “Call me next time she wants to go. I can help.”
“I’d love that.”
Something warm settled in my chest when she looked at me. It felt right being here with her. I could easily imagine more nights like this one, with or without Evie, maybe even with a child of our own. The realization jolted me out of my musings.
Bianca wasn’t right for me, but her betrayal was still fresh. Could I put myself out there with another woman, hoping she didn’t crush my heart? I didn’t think Harper was one to take a relationship lightly. She’d said it herself that she didn’t date much because of Evie.
As we parked at the mini-golf location, I pushed aside the worries about us and Evie. Tonight was just for the two of us, and I was going to enjoy it. Who knew how many more evenings we’d get for just us?
“They have a range,” Harper said as we got out.
“Maybe we can do that after we finish the mini-golf course.”
She smiled as I reached out my hand to take hers.
Something about this evening, and the company, made me think of first dates. Not as an adult, but as a teenager. It meant so much more that we had this time together, and I wanted to make the most of this. There was a sweetness in the air mixed with anticipation.
I couldn’t wait to be alone with her. I’d been imagining all the things I’d do to Harper if that ever happened, and tonight was my chance. We only had a few hours, and I needed to make them count.
I paid for the two of us, and we grabbed balls and putters and moved to the first hole.
“You go first,” I said, wanting to watch her more than anything.
She smiled sweetly at me as she lined up with her ball and hit it a little harder than necessary. It popped over the small brick border, and I said, “I’ll get it.”
When I returned, she gave me a sheepish look. “I’ll use a little less force this time.”
I stood off to the side, watching as her skirt rode up her bare thighs when she leaned over. She was gorgeous tonight. I wanted to touch her, to feel how soft her skin was. I wanted to kiss her.
She wiggled her butt when the ball landed only a few inches from the hole. “Did you see that?”
“Much better,” I said as I got ready to take my turn, even though I’d been completely distracted.
She cocked a hip and gave me a look. “Did you even see my shot?”
“I might have been momentarily distracted.”
She laughed and shook her head.
When we finished, I recorded our results as we waited for the next hole, where a family of five was still playing.
The boy who looked to be about six or seven kept starting over if the ball didn’t go where he wanted it to. The parents were exasperated, but I thought it was cute. “Is that how Evie is?”