“A guy’s gotta eat, am I right?” Leo directed his question at Evie, who giggled.
I opened the door and held it while they walked inside. Leo placed the boxes on the small round table.
“Wash your hands,” I reminded Evie, and when she disappeared into her bathroom, Leo crossed the room and pulled me against him. “I missed you,” he murmured before he kissed me like he was starving for me and not dinner.
By the time he pulled away, my lips were tingling. “I missed you too.”
We broke apart just as the water turned off in the bathroom, and Evie appeared in the hallway. I busied myself grabbing dishes and silverware while Leo popped open the pizza box. “Plain cheese for the princess.”
He pulled out a slice and put it on a plate and gave it to Evie.
It was nice having someone in my space and helping with Evie, even if it was only pizza.
“Sit. I’ll get yours too,” Leo said to me, and I did, because I was drained from the day.
When we were eating, I watched Leo ask Evie about her day at school for a few minutes until they both fell silent. “I have some good news.”
“What is it?” Leo asked.
It struck me that I didn’t have anyone to share these kinds of developments with. “Gia offered me a raise. It’s more than enough that I can start to look for a house.”
“We’re getting a house?” Evie asked, and I smiled, pleased I could get her what she wanted. “I think so. I’ll have to talk to a realtor, but I’ve been saving for a while, and the raise should cover the mortgage.”
“That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.”
“Gia said she wanted me to focus on the business and marketing aspects of the business. Work fewer weddings.”
“That’s good news, right?” Leo asked.
“It’s great news. Now I can spend more time with this girl.” I tickled Evie, and she giggled.
When she sobered, she asked, “Can I watch TV?”
She’d eaten a slice and a half, so I said, “Yes.”
“Are you happy about the raise?” Leo asked.
“I was worried she was doing it because she knows I want to move, but she said she’s been considering it for a while. She said I was indispensable to the business.”
“Of course, you are. Why do you think she stole you from Giovanni’s? You’ve proven yourself. Enjoy it. Gia wouldn’t do that if you didn’t deserve it. She doesn’t have patience for people who don’t pull their weight.”
“That’s what I figured.” But I felt guilty. I didn’t like hiding things from her.
“I’m looking forward to having some time together this weekend. My brothers are up for babysitting.”
“They didn’t think it was weird that you asked them and not your parents?”
Leo looked conflicted. “They were both worried about it and how my parents will react.”
I wondered if his brothers didn’t think I was good enough for Leo. If his family didn’t like us together, then it wouldn’t matter how Leo felt. If he had to choose, he’d go with his family, and I couldn’t blame him.
“What are you thinking about?” Leo asked.
“That alone time we’re finally going to get,” I said to cover my thoughts.
“Maybe we shouldn’t go out,” Leo said, his voice gravelly. “But no, you deserve a first date.”
I flushed with pleasure at his words. He was sweet and kind. When we were together, the other issues fell away, and it was just us. And being with him felt so good. We needed this time alone, with no one from his family influencing us.