Page 23 of Somebody to Love

“It’s processed meat,” Harper corrected her.

“Don’t let my mamma hear you say that,” I teased Harper.

Her nose wrinkled. “Trust me. I know.”

I wondered if she was careful around my family. If she was worried she wouldn’t be accepted at some point. I didn’t know how to broach that subject with her and reassure her.

I made Evie’s sandwich and handed it to her.

“Yum,” she said after the first bite.

Harper pushed her water bottle across the counter for her.

“I’ll need to get some kid food if you’re going to be coming around more often,” I said lightly, wondering how Harper would take it.

Evie nodded. “I like lemonade and cookies.”

“Is that it?” I asked her, amused by her answer.


“You know we eat healthier than that.”

“I have watermelon in the fridge. Would you mind grabbing it?” I was grateful I’d thought to buy the cut-up melon when I went grocery shopping.

Harper went to the fridge and pulled out the container, scooping a few pieces into a bowl and giving it to Evie.

After a few bites of melon, Evie asked, “Can I see your playground?”

She’d eaten a few bites of her sandwich and watermelon, so I let her down. “Sure.”

She went to the slider and opened it.

When Harper moved toward the door, I said, “I checked it this morning. It’s safe.”

Harper moved back to the counter, closing the open food containers.

“I can get that. Why don’t you watch Evie, and I’ll be right out?”

I moved to grab the lunch meat, and Harper touched my arm. “Thank you for this. It’s nice for us to get out and do something different.”

I nodded, and for the first time, I wondered if they were lonely.

Harper went outside, closing the slider behind her, leaving me alone. I stowed the food in the fridge, wiped off the counters, and refilled Evie’s water to carry out to her.

Evie was on the swing, giggling and screaming, “Higher,” to Harper.

“If you go any higher, you’ll fly over,” Harper teased.

I watched while Evie slowed to a stop, and she climbed the ladder to the fort.

Harper approached me. “This is nice.”

“I don’t have kids, and I thought about tearing it down, but it’s in good shape. Besides, Evie can use it, and maybe one of us will have kids soon.”

Harper nodded. “You’ll meet someone soon. You’re a good man.”

“You think that about me?” I asked as Evie looked through the periscope on the railing of the fort.