“I don’t know that. She’s known for holding a grudge.”
“It doesn’t matter what other people think.”
“Doesn’t it? I thought that was the point of keeping everything a secret. I should probably be apologizing to you for Evie revealing us.”
“That wasn’t your fault or hers. There’s no need to apologize. The truth was going to come out.”
“I can’t think of a worse time than right before your parents’ vacation. Did it mess anything up with the expansion?”
“I’m not worried about that right now.” I hadn’t even thought about it. The only thing that mattered was how Harper was feeling.
“I don’t want to do anything to screw things up for you. I know how much you want this. Are your brothers upset?”
“They’re worried about me and you, not the restaurant.”
“Why?” Harper asked.
“Because at the end of the day, they love me and want the best for me.” Despite their worries about the restaurant and my parents finding out, my brothers were one hundred percent behind me. They wanted me to work things out with Harper, and that felt good. “They also said I was paving the way for them, making it easier for them to date whomever they want.”
“Did you talk to your parents after I left?” Her voice was soft.
“They had to get to the airport. But they seemed disappointed. I think they would have preferred I not date you,” I said, without even thinking. It was just a feeling I’d gotten after Evie dropped her bombshell.
“I should go.”
I couldn’t believe I’d said those thoughts out loud. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it like that.”
“I need some time to process everything.” Her voice was tight.
“I’m sorry, Harper. I’ve made a mess of this. But I’d like a chance to tell you how I feel in person. Would you meet with me?”
She hesitated and then finally said, “Yeah, I can do that.”
We scheduled a time to meet at my house later in the week. I hoped she hadn’t made up her mind that I was a waste of her time before that. Every time I talked to her, I said something wrong. I needed to tell her how I felt and show her what she meant to me. I just hoped it wouldn’t be too late.
Ithink they would have preferred I not date you.
Would it ever hurt less? Would it stop stinging as if someone stabbed me in the chest with a knife? I rubbed the ache in my chest as I got off the phone with Leo.
He wanted to talk, but I wasn’t sure how much more there was to say. He was contrite, but we couldn’t escape the truth. His parents didn’t want him to date me. I couldn’t be more than a family friend.
Aria had been in a similar situation with Finn. She wanted a relationship, but he didn’t because of his parents’ history of numerous divorces. They’d engaged in a casual relationship, and when the truth came out, his sister and Aria’s best friend, Ireland, was mad they’d kept it from her.
Wondering how they worked through their issues, I texted Aria and asked if we could meet up to talk. I kept it vague because asking someone if you could talk about how they dated their best friend’s brother wasn’t a good starting-off point.
I spent the next few days working hard and trying not to think about the moment when Evie told everyone Leo was kissing her mommy. My stomach dropped out repeatedly as I replayed the shock on his parents’ faces and the betrayal on Gia’s.
I didn’t think things could ever be the same again.
If Evie hadn’t said anything, would we still be dating? I couldn’t help but think we would have been happy.
Evie kept asking where Leo was, and I kept her at bay by saying he was busy at the restaurant since his parents were out of town. But that excuse would only work for so long. Even when he was busy, Leo spent time with us.
Gia and I met with a few clients virtually, using the slideshow presentation I’d prepared. The clients seemed impressed with what we had to offer, but we were still waiting for one of them to sign a contract.