Page 8 of Rebel Heart

Kian flipped him the bird, but I felt bad. I stood behind him and tilted his head back so he was staring up at me.

“Hey. Watch me instead, okay?”

He smiled weakly. “Sorry to be dramatic. I have a bad track record.”

I dropped a kiss on his upturned mouth. “You’re my hero.”

Hawk scoffed. “I carry the girl back here, even after she punches me. I stitch her head up. Nurse her back to health, and yet the guy who passes out at your feet is your hero? You got your priorities messed up, girl.”

I whacked the back of his head before I really thought about what I was doing. “Quit your bitching and get back to fixing my sister.” It was a bold move, one that was totally out of line. A few gasps from the other club women watching on confirmed it.

Hawk was War’s VP, and in this clubhouse, he commanded respect.

He slowly turned around to glare at me, a low growl deep in his chest.

Fang stepped between us; his blue eyes locked on Hawk’s. “I love you, brother, but you fucking growl at her again, and VP or not, I’ll end you.”

I hid a smile.

Hawk shook his head slowly but stopped carrying on like a dog with a pulled tail.

Fang glanced over his shoulder at me. “Aren’t you just the cat who got the cream. You just broke a club rule, disrespecting the VP like that. I’ll deal with you later.”

My little smile only grew. I’d been punished for breaking club rules before. But Fang’s punishments were being publicly spanked until I was so wet and horny, I had arousal dripping down my thighs. Or tying me to his bed and edging me until I begged him to let me come.

I could handle another round of that.

Kara stirred on the couch, her eyes fluttering open. “What…” Her eyes widened as she looked up at all of us staring at her. “Where am I?” She noticed the needle in her arm delivering Kian’s blood into her vein, and her mouth fell open. “What are you doing to me? Stop!”

Hawk wrapped his fingers around her wrists and pinned her to the couch. He got in her face, hovering over her. “Settle down,” he demanded. “You’re going to undo all my work if you pull that out.”

Kara took one look at him and slammed her forehead right into his nose.

The same one she’d already broken with her right hook an hour or so earlier.

Hawk sprang back like he’d been bitten by a cobra. “Jesus fuck! What the hell is wrong with you? I’m trying to help you! So you break my nose twice in one day?” He groaned, blood running down over his lips and chin, the tissues stuffed in his nose no longer able to cope with the renewed flow.

I jumped between him and my sister. “You scared her! What did you think was going to happen, holding her down like that?”

Hawk scowled at me and then shouted at Ratchet, one of the prospects, to get him some ice. He stormed away, leaving blood droplets on the floor.

Fang cringed and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t need to tell me this wasn’t good. Kara and I were probably about to be thrown out on our asses.

I spoke in the calmest voice I could muster. “Hey. Can we try this again? I know you’re scared. But I promise, we really are just trying to take care of you.”

Her gaze was firmly fixed on Hawk, who sat on the other side of the room with a packet of frozen peas on his face.

That seemed oddly out of place. “Who here eats peas?” I whispered to Fang curiously. Didn’t really seem like big burly bikers would be getting their five servings of green vegetables a day.

He shook his head with a little grin. “You’re so random. No one eats them. They’re literally only in the freezer for when someone drinks too much and gets in a fight.”

I shrugged, turning back to Kara. “You’d think they’d just invest in an ice pack, wouldn’t you?”

She finally dragged her gaze back to me. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “He was in my face, and for a second I thought…” She swallowed thickly. “I thought he was someone else.”

Anger vibrated through me again. Caleb had held me down too.

I hated the only thing my sister and I had in common was our rapist.