Page 7 of Rebel Heart

Hawk scowled up at me. “Her head has been bleeding for fuck knows how long. That ain’t good. She probably needs blood.”

I bit my lip. Kara’s skin was deathly pale, and she hadn’t regained consciousness after passing out. “Can you do that here?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. But I used up all the blood stores we had the other day when…”

He glanced at War, who gave a slight shake of his head. “Yeah, anyway, we used up all the blood bags we had. So unless you’re the same blood type she is…”

“I don’t know hers. Shit. I’ll call my dad.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and hit his number. It rang a couple times before a woman answered, “Rebel? It’s Sally-Ann. Torrence is out right now with Josiah—”

“What blood type is Kara?”

The woman paused. “Louisa Kara? Why do you ask?”

I hardened, remembering this was the woman who’d told my siblings their sister had died, just because she’d left the family farm to go out and find her own life. “Because I found her, and despite the rubbish you tried to tell your other children, she’s actually very much alive.”

The woman choked on a sob that sounded like one of relief. “Believe me, I never wanted to tell the other children that. But Louisa Kara went against God. She had a baby out of wedlock—”

I ground my teeth. “Like I fucking care, Sally-Ann. Your own husband had a baby out of wedlock too. Did you tell everyone he was dead as well?”

She swallowed thickly. “It’s different for a man. It’s built into their DNA to spread their seed. Louisa Kara refused to end her pregnancy. She’d never be accepted here as an unwed mother, so maybe she wasn’t actually dead, but she was as good as.”

I couldn’t listen to this a second longer. “Unless you want your daughter to actually be as dead as you tell people, tell me her blood type.”

Sally-Ann let out a sob. “A negative. Is she hurt?”

I screwed up my face and ended the call, not answering her question, even though it was cruel not to. That’s just how mad I was. I’d call her back later, after I knew if Kara was going to be okay. “Shit. I’m not a match. Are any of you A negative?”

I looked around the room. Nobody raised their hands.

“Seriously?” I shouted, nausea swirling in my stomach. “One of you must be.”

“I’m A negative,” Kian said slowly and almost reluctantly, moving closer to the makeshift operating area.

I stared at him. “Really?”

“Yes.” He eyed the needles laid out in front of Hawk. “Can you get it out of me and into her?”

Hawk glanced over at Kian’s sickly face. “I can if you let me jab a needle in your vein. You going to be okay with that? ’Cause you’re about as pale as she is.” He nodded toward my sister whose cheeks were an unhealthy shade of white.

Vaughn cleared his throat. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea…”

“I’m not great with needles,” Kian admitted, rolling up his sleeve. “Just be gentle, okay?”

Hawk raised an eyebrow and snorted. “Yeah, sure. Super gentle.” He grabbed a fresh needle, studied Kian’s arm for a moment to find a vein, then jabbed him.

Kian’s eyes rolled back, and he passed out, crashing straight off his chair onto the floor.

“Oh my God!” I knelt at his side and slapped his face. “Kian!”

His eyes fluttered open, and he groaned. He looked past me to Vaughn. “Shit. Did I do it again?”

“Pass out? Yeah. You’re fucking hopeless. You’d be the worst junkie, honestly.”

He and Fang got beneath his arms and hauled him back onto the chair.

“Come on,” Vaughn urged. “Get up. Blood doesn’t flow uphill, you know.”

Hawk taped down the needle so it couldn’t fall out of Kian’s arm. He chuckled. “You pussy.”