Page 47 of Rebel Heart

I waited until he was done.

Eventually Luca’s voice lowered. “Five, Caleb. On the fifteenth. I don’t care who or how, just get them.”

I ground my teeth. It had been hard enough finding someone to get the first four. It had taken months of negotiation with the Slayers’ prez, using his connections at other chapters of his club. But I’d already had him killed after he pussied out and changed his mind, so I couldn’t go back there again. It had been necessary. He was a loose end who needed to be taken care of so I couldn’t be tied back to any of this. But now it left me in fucking predicament, didn’t it?

I undid my fly and stroked my cock, staring at the back of the Sinner who was so fucking stupid he’d left my cargo unattended. He was making me look as stupid as he was.

That wasn’t okay. He’d find those women or I’d put a bullet in him, just like I had his leader.

But now I had to do one better if I wanted to save face with Luca. Instead of four women, I’d deliver him more.

I could get to Kara and Rebel. That was an extra two.

And Bethany-Melissa…

She’d make a third.

I stroked my cock faster, thinking about how deep my hate ran for her. “I can fix this. I’ll get you more than four women. There’s another three I can get to.”

Luca thumped something. “Fists up!”

Irritation prickled at the back of my neck. Here I was, doing my damn best to impress him and his family, doing everything they’d asked of me, and yet he was ignoring me in favor of watching some meatheads punch each other? It was fucking insulting. I needed something to get his attention.

“What about a baby?” I spoke up.

Luca paused. “Boy or girl?”

Interest filled his voice.

“Girl,” I told him eagerly. “Young one. You could sell her to someone who wants a kid.”

Luca thought on that for a moment. “She’d make more money if we held her for a while. Waited until she’d matured a bit…”

“Whatever you want.”

“Don’t promise me something you can’t deliver, Caleb.”

“I’m not. I can do it,” I bluffed.

“See you on the fifteenth then, with seven women and a baby.”

I ended the call.

I stroked my dick some more.

The man coughed. “Dude, are you jacking off?”

“Shut the fuck up or I’ll jack off into your mouth.”

He fell silent. I pumped my cock until my balls drew up and white cum spilled from the tip of my dick in arcs, landing on the scratched wood floor of the derelict house.

Soft again, I pulled my underwear up and did up my fly. “Find those women,” I warned him. “You have two days. I don’t care what you do or how you do it. They can’t have gone too far. You search those woods until you find them. I’ve got a date with a trio of women who I’m sure are just dying to see me again.”

I walked out of the house without bothering to clean up my cum.