Page 5 of Rebel Heart

Fear spiked my adrenaline again, but there was no escape.

The man behind the wheel glanced at us in the rearview mirror. “What’s going on?”

Rebel grabbed at my hands. “I don’t know. Something’s freaked her out. Kara, stop. It’s okay. As soon as he stops driving, you’ll be able to get out. The car has automatic locks when it’s in motion.”

Fear gripped my throat. They were just as bad as Caleb; I was sure of it. Did she hold women against their will as well? He lied all the time. She probably did too.

The moment the car stopped; I yanked on the door handle. It released the lock with a click, and then I was out, running, trying to put as much distance between me and those men, and Rebel, as I could.


I ignored her shouts and put my head down, sprinting for the woods, easily outpacing her shorter legs.

“Shit, Fang! Go after her! Those woods are thick, she’ll be lost in minutes.”

I doubled my speed at the thought of the bearded, tattooed biker chasing after me.

I couldn’t let him catch me. I wouldn’t be held against my will again. Not by him. Not by a woman claiming to be my sister but who congregated with killers like them.

I stumbled through undergrowth, jumping over logs and avoiding trees. Branches scraped at my skin, scratching and tearing. My vision blurred, and my head ached. Running had never felt so difficult, but I pushed on, too scared to stop.

I couldn’t hear anyone coming behind me, but my blood rushed in my ears so loudly I wasn’t sure I could trust what I was hearing. When I hit a small clearing, I glanced over my shoulder, waiting for someone to come crashing through the trees after me.

There was no one there.

I slowed, trying to catch my breath, walking backward with my eyes glued to the spot where I thought my pursuers would emerge.

Without the noises of running, I could hear better. From a distance, they called my name, assuring me they weren’t going to hurt me.

Caleb had tried that once too.

None of them could be trusted.

I spun, running again, no idea where I was going, but just that it needed to be away from these people. I put my head down, watching my footing so I didn’t snap my ankle.

The boulder came out of nowhere. I hit it hard, bouncing off and stumbling back with my face aching as much as my head.

Strong arms kept me from toppling over. “Whoa. What the hell is this?”

I stared up at him in shock, the boulder not actually rock at all but the solid chest of a man.

One wearing that same leather vest with the demon on the emblem. This one wasn’t quite as big or intimidating as the Fang guy, but he didn’t exactly seem like a kindergarten teacher either. Medium-brown stubble coated his jawline, and tattoos crept from the collar of his shirt and disappeared into his hair. His sea-green eyes gave nothing away. They were completely blank, no way of me telling if he was friend or foe.

But judging by that MC vest and the demon on it, he wasn’t going to help me. He was probably a cold-blooded killer, just like the rest of them.

I opened my mouth and screamed, “Let me go!”

He winced and dropped my hand but didn’t let me pass. “No can do. You’re trespassing on our land. But fuck, sugar. No need for shoutin’. I’ve got the hangover from hell, and you about busted my eardrum.”

The woods spun around me; I was so woozy and exhausted and angry with myself for both. But I’d had a baby only days ago, and ever since I’d left Hayden’s place, I’d barely eaten. I had no energy left to run. I stooped and grabbed a stick from the dirt at my feet, brandishing it as a weapon, creating a gap between me and the man. “Get back!”

He held his hands up. “I’m back, I’m back. But I don’t know what you think you’re gonna do with that twig.”

I waved it at him some more. Just let him try.

He cocked his head to one side, studying me. “You don’t look so good, sugar. Ballsy, I’ll give you that. But that head of yours is bleeding pretty bad. Maybe you should let me take a peek at it.”

I’d almost forgotten about my head. But now the pain came back in a rush. My vision flickered.