Page 33 of Rebel Heart

Luca gathered up all their equipment, eyeing me while he picked up gloves and pads. “O’Malley. Good to see you again. Been hoping I’d run into you here.”

I paused my workout and glanced over at him. “Yeah? Why’s that?”

His gaze ran over my body slowly, before returning to my face. He grinned, not even remotely ashamed about checking me out. “Been hoping for a chance to get you in the ring.”

“You’ve seen me fight before.”

He waved his hand toward the ropes. “I’ve seen you fight men who aren’t half as good as you are. I haven’t seen you fight someone better.”

I raised an eyebrow at the cocky son of a bitch. “You’re better, huh?”

Luca lifted a shoulder. “Care to find out?”

I wasn’t sure if he was calling my bluff or what. But I was keen to get in the ring. I needed to fight. I needed somewhere for my frustration to go.

I grinned. “You’re on.”

Parting the ropes with one hand, I pulled myself up with the other and climbed through. On the other side of the ring, Luca stripped his shirt, revealing a washboard stomach and a host of tattoos across his back and shoulders. Muscles rippled when he bent to slip his expensive shoes off, leaving him in nothing but business pants.

I eyed him.

Luca was exactly my type. Dark-haired. Dark-eyed. Asshole smirk that would have normally done things to my insides.

But it only reminded me of Vaughn. And thinking of Vaughn reminded me of Rebel.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

Luca chuckled, taking my curse the wrong way, I was sure. “You ready?”

I nodded, raising my fists.

Luca was quick off the mark, reaching out with a right hook I ducked, then following with a low left that caught me in the side.

I flinched at the pain that speared through my ribs.

Luca grinned. “Got ya.”

It only fueled my determination. I landed a quick flurry of punches, followed by a kick that forced a grunt from between Luca’s perfect pink lips.

It was my turn to smile. “Got ya right back.”

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, he took my feet out from beneath me with a sweeping kick I didn’t even see coming. I landed hard on the mats, and he followed up with punches and kicks until I caught his foot and brought him down into a sprawling heap with me. In a moment, I had him pinned to the mats, my body over his, our arms and legs locked around each other so neither of us could move.

“Tap out,” I murmured, breathing hard.

He winked. “I kinda like it here, actually.”

My face hovered over his. Our lips were mere inches apart. It would have been so easy to erase the space and kiss him.

Except I didn’t want to.

Kissing him would fuck everything up with Vaughn and Rebel. If I hadn’t already done that with my stupid tantrum yesterday.

I let Luca go and got up.

He watched me carefully, his head cocked to one side. “You’re not into guys? Did I read the room wrong?”

I shook my head. “Just into one guy in particular.”