Page 29 of Rebel Heart


Rebel and I sat in silence at the kitchen table, both of us chewing mouthfuls of cereal, lost in our own thoughts.

I was still trying to work out how Kian and I had gone from what we’d done in the woods, and then later in the shower, and then in his bed, to whatever the hell we were now.

Which felt like a whole lot of nothing.

I’d walked away from us once, and it had nearly killed me.

If I tried to do it again now, I was sure it would be the end.

“We fucked up, Roach.”

She gradually lifted her eyes from her cereal bowl to meet mine. “I know. I hate myself so much right now.”

“Me too.”

“We don’t deserve him.”

“No, we don’t. We’re assholes.”

She sighed heavily. “Like brother, like sister. How do we make it up to him?”

“I’ve been thinking about that all morning. I don’t think a blow job is gonna cut it.”

“Not even close.”

We both lapsed into silence again.

Rebel played with her cereal, nudging it around her bowl with her spoon. “I’m in love with him.”

I wasn’t surprised. He was easy to love. “I am too.”

She reached across the table and threaded her fingers between mine. “I love you too, you know? I haven’t even had a chance to say it, with everything that happened…”

I nudged my cereal bowl out of the way and leaned over the table to take her lips with mine. The kiss was soft and sad. Not how an ‘I love you’ kiss should have felt, but with everything that had happened the day before, it didn’t feel like a thing to celebrate. It felt like something was missing. Like she and I didn’t quite work without him.

She pressed up to her feet. “I should go have a shower and get back over to the clubhouse. When I talked to Fang last night, he said he was keeping an eye on Kara and he wouldn’t let any of the prospects drag Sasha off to their rooms, but I saw the way she checked out Ice, so I think I better get her out of there before she falls in love with him.”

A door opened at the top of the stairs, and Rebel and I jumped up eagerly.

Kian walked down slowly, not looking at either of us.

Rebel’s shoulder slumped, but she called out a greeting anyway. “Do you want some breakfast? There’s cereal. Or toast. Fruit. I could make bacon or eggs or pancakes…”

Kian shook his head. “Can’t. Got another job interview. Gotta go.”

He opened the front door without even glancing in my direction.

Rebel ran after him, grabbing his arm. “Kian, wait—Oh my God.” She clapped a hand over her mouth and stumbled back. “Is that…I’m going to be sick.”

Kian just stood there staring at the front porch. He stood there so long without saying anything that I stood slowly and walked over to them.

With every step, my heart sank.

After receiving an envelope full of Brooke’s hair, with promises there’d be worse if I didn’t come up with the money she owed, I was almost sure I wasn’t going to like this.

I caught Rebel around the waist, pulling her close against my chest while she gagged.