Page 27 of Rebel Heart

War’s face contorted in pain. “It’s high. Maybe more shoulder than anything else. Might have got my collarbone. Fuck. I don’t know.”

I reached over and turned the key that was still hanging from the ignition, and the engine came to life. Another round of bullets flew my way, but I returned them quickly, using the shots to cover me so I could get behind the wheel. “Hospital or clubhouse?”

War glared at me.

I shook my head. “You better not die if I take you there. I swear to God, boss. I’ll resurrect you and then kill you all over again if you’re downplaying how bad this is.” I spun the steering wheel and put my foot down on the gas while bullets flew around us. “Put some pressure on it.”

If the Sinners had a vehicle, they didn’t chase us. I checked the rearview and side mirrors in between checking on War, who had pulled himself up into a half-seated position but didn’t seem willing to try to get himself up off the van floor.

Red seeped from beneath his fingers as he tried to stem the bleeding.

I swore and got my phone out of my jacket pocket to call Hawk.

It rang too many times before he finally answered, his voice coming through the speakerphone. “What’s up, big dog? You and War miss me already?”

“Prez has been shot,” I bit out into the phone.

Hawk’s tone changed instantly. “How bad?”

“Flesh,” War called out from the floor. “You got this.”

Hawk had about as much faith in War’s diagnosis as I did. “Fang, is he lying?”

War gave me a look that said I’d better not rat him out.

I grit my teeth. “You should be able to handle it. Get everything ready and into the infirmary. Tell Ice to get the gates open ’cause otherwise I’m driving right through ’em. Don’t need no prez dying on my watch.”

Hawk scoffed down the phone line, “Oh, but he can die on mine? Thanks, Fang. Awesome. War, you’re an asshole. Just in case you die before you get here, I just need to be sure you know that. You fucking suck.”

War chuckled. “Just get your needle ready, would ya? I ain’t dying. Not when I got a baby on the way. Speaking of, don’t tell Bliss.”

I flew up the dirt road that led through the woods to the clubhouse gates with one eyebrow raised at him. “Seriously? I think she’s gonna notice her man has an extra hole. And I ain’t lying to Rebel. She’d destroy me if she found out.”

He grinned at me, though it was tinged with pain. “You’re so pussy-whipped.”

I grumbled at him. “Like you can talk.”

As requested, Ice had the gates open when we arrived, and he stood beside them, his hands gripped at the back of his neck, his expression full of worry. But I couldn’t be concerned with him. I blew through the entryway and stopped with a cloud of gravel and dust that filled the car, thanks to the lack of windshield.

Aloha and Hawk were on standby to open the sliding door, and Hawk swore loudly as he took in the sight in front of him.

“I don’t know why you assholes keep doing this to me. I don’t have a fucking medical degree, you know?”

“Nah, but you’d be real pretty in a nurse’s uniform.” War grinned weakly at him. “Gimme the good drugs, man. Don’t be stingy with ’em, okay?”

Hawk grumbled something, but he was already striding away, letting me and Aloha grab War and get him out of the van. We got his arms over our shoulders and put one arm around his back, the other underneath a knee each.

“I can fucking walk,” War complained.

We both ignored him, rushing through the crowd of people who watched on with shocked expressions, through the common rooms, and down the long hall that housed my bedroom. At the very end, Hawk held open a door, and on the other side, stairs led down to the basement.

Otherwise known as the infirmary.

Hawk flicked a switch, and light flooded the room. “Put him over there, on the bed right beneath the light. Gonna need it to sew up that mess. You better hope that bullet didn’t hit anything vital. Fang, get me some antiseptic, will you?”

I deposited the patient on the bed and then spun around, eyeing the wall full of medical supplies, most of which we’d bought on the black market to create a pretty decent first-aid room.

More than one gunshot wound had been fixed up here. But normally they were arm or leg wounds. I didn’t like that this was through his chest, even if he did swear it was more of a shoulder wound.