Page 19 of Rebel Heart

Sasha grabbed my hand. “Ninety-nine-percent of the time, yes.”

“What are the odds my mom and Bart are the one percent?”

She didn’t answer. Neither did I.

We just stood there in silence as everything sank in.

Finally, I took a deep breath. “My sister is in the clubhouse, recovering from a pretty harrowing morning. I don’t want her to wake up and be surrounded by men. Could you go sit with her?”

Sasha nodded, looking at me with big, worried eyes. “Sure. Whatever you need. But what are you going to do?”

I moved around her and strode toward the gates. “I need to borrow your car. I’m going to see Kian. And this time I’m not leaving until he tells me the truth. All of it. Every last detail.”



The diner’s cracked leather booths creaked and protested beneath mine and War’s weight. I shifted uncomfortably, the table too tight against my abs, but I didn’t say a word.

“We should have sat somewhere else,” War admitted, eyeing the busy restaurant around us. “This table is tiny.”

I nodded.

He wriggled around some more, trying to get comfortable, but stopped when a waitress brought over our order. The fries sparkled with oil fresh out of the fryer, and a thick burger called my name, but War didn’t touch his food, so neither did I.

The smell wafted around my nose tantalizingly. I really wanted to eat those fries. “You good, boss?”

He sighed heavily. “Not really. Fuck, man. You believed her, didn’t you? Kara? When she said it was Caleb behind my dad’s murder?”

I poked at a fry with my fingertip, edging it toward a few stray granules of salt. “She sounded pretty sure.”

War shook his head. “Why would Army get involved in that shit? Guns, drugs, whatever. We all know that stuff like the backs of our hands. But he was always so adamant we never get in with women. My mom has a history, you know? Shit that went down in her past, and Army swore to her he’d never get involved in anything like that. And yet…”

“Club’s been low on money for a while now.”

He raised his eyebrows. “It has?”

I nodded. “We lost that shipment of drugs last year…that wasn’t easy to recoup.”

“We what?”

I just looked at him.

“Seriously? We lost a shipment? How the fuck did that happen?”

I shook my head, trying to remember everything Army had confided in me. “I don’t really know. I don’t think Army did either. Gus, Army, and I took possession of them. The next day, they were gone.”

War ran a hand through his hair. “Why didn’t I know about any of this?”

I didn’t say anything. What was there to say? War had been VP at the time. He should have known what was going on better than I did. But the man seemed truly baffled.

I didn’t want to make it any worse. “I think your dad kept it from you because he didn’t want to appear weak.”

War’s grip on his knife tightened. “I was his VP. Not to mention his son!” He slammed the blunt end of the knife down onto the table. “Fucking Army. He never thought I was good enough. Why the fuck he made me VP in the first place I’ll never understand. He clearly didn’t trust me with the position.”

I reached over and took the knife from his fingers before he mangled the utensil. “You had to be VP. You were his son. It would have looked bad if he hadn’t given you the position. But you’re a fucking good prez, War. Better than he ever was. If he kept you out of the loop, it was probably more because he didn’t want the weight of the club on your shoulders before you were ready for it. You know now it’s not exactly an easy burden to bear.”

He slumped back against the booth and eyed me. “That’s some poetic bullshit, Fang. You’re a good friend, even though he’s six feet under. But I doubt Army ever cared that much about me.”