Page 97 of Rebel Heart

Luca raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be stupid. That business and the house are worth more than the debt and delivering a couple of Saint View whores a couple times a year. There’s a reason your father’s friends are all involved. You think they’re making anywhere near this sort of money trading stocks and bonds or whatever the hell it is they’re doing in those offices?”

I didn’t care. I pinned him with a glare. “You just said it yourself. The business and the house are worth more than the debt. So we have a deal. Right?”

“Vaughn,” Kian said quietly. “Are you sure? We can find another way.”

I shook my head. I’d never been surer of anything in my life. I’d been riding my father’s coattails for years, letting his business rule my life. I’d married a woman I didn’t love because it was good for the company. I’d started my own with funds he’d given me, because I was spoiled and privileged. I’d fucked that all up because I had never learned what true hard work was or how to make smart business decisions.

But I was making one now.

I was standing on my own two feet and being the man my father would have wanted me to be.

And I was walking away.

“Send me the paperwork, Luca. The business and the house are yours.”

I turned and moved toward the exit, Kian following close behind me.

I stopped at the door. “Just to be clear, my debt is cleared. You don’t send any more of those white cards threatening my girl.”

Luca shrugged. “No need to threaten Brooke when I have everything I want.”

“Rebel.” My voice was cold as ice. “You don’t threaten her anymore either.”

Luca’s eyebrows furrowed. “The little dark-haired woman you were with the other night? I never threatened her.”

I lost my patience. “Bullshit, Luca. We’ve been getting those fucking white cards for weeks. It ends now. No fucking more.”

Luca held his hands up. “Whoa. I accept your deal and I’ll have paperwork sent for it. The debt is cleared. But I never threatened Rebel. I had Kian to use as leverage.” He glanced at Kian. “Sorry, bro. Don’t take it personal. It was just business. But yeah, I didn’t need your girl.”

I paused.

As much as Luca Guerra was a scumbag of a human for what he did to women, I had the odd impression the man didn’t lie. Hell, he’d laid it all out on the table for me. Literally. He hadn’t thought twice about sharing the names and details of what he and his business partners were doing.

I brought up the photos I’d taken of the notes and spun the phone around. “You’re telling me you didn’t send all of these?”

Luca took the phone from my fingers and studied the screen. “The first couple, yeah. And this one, that’s mine. The rest, not me.” He passed the phone back. “Should I be flattered that there’s a copycat out there? Or should I sue for imitation? Is that a thing?”

I walked out of the room without answering, Kian behind me.

“We considered the possibility there was more than one person sending the notes…” Kian said softly.

We had, but I hadn’t wanted to believe it. I didn’t even want to believe it now.

I’d lost my house. My business.

And there was still someone out there who wanted Rebel dead.



Winnie, Nova, Vivienne, and Georgia stood on the front porch of my sister’s house, their suitcases at their feet.

I instantly burst into tears at the sight of them. I’d been trying to hold it at bay all day, but seeing those suitcases made it all too real. I had a matching one packed upstairs, not that there was much in it. Only the handful of clothes and baby items I’d been gifted from my sister and her friends since they’d taken us in.

Winnie dropped her purse and wrapped her arms around me, and a moment later, the other three surrounded us in a group hug.

This was the last night we’d probably ever see each other. We were all flying out later, Vaughn booking our flights for similar times so none of us would be left behind.