Page 28 of Rebel Heart

I finally found what I was searching for, plucked it from a shelf, and tossed it to Hawk.

He grinned at War. “This is gonna hurt.”

“Then give me some painkillers first!”

Hawk shook his head. “Nah. Serves you right for being a dumbass and going down there without backup. What were you thinking, you idiot?”

If anyone else had spoken to the prez like that, there would have been consequences. And not the sexy kind I liked to punish Rebel with.

But Hawk and War had been best friends since birth, so if anyone was going to get away with talking to him like that, it was him.

He checked War’s back for an exit wound, then poured the entire bottle of antiseptic onto the bullet hole.

War’s eyes rolled back.

“Shit, Hawk, he’s out cold.” I slapped War’s face.

“Good. It’ll hurt less when I shove this needle through his skin if he’s not conscious. Get me one of those fluid bags, he’ll need that too. But I think he was right. This isn’t bleeding enough to have hit anything vital. Prick will live to see another day if we keep it clean and he lies here to rest for a bit.”

Relief flushed through me. “He won’t like that.”

Hawk looked over at me with a grin, his smile slightly evil. “I know. So go call Bliss and tell her what the dumbass did. She’ll be down here in no time and if she tells him to keep his ass in bed, he will.” He shook his head. “Pussy-whipped fool.”

I didn’t say anything because I was the same for Rebel.

Hawk didn’t have someone he loved the way I loved Rebel or War loved Bliss. If he ever did, he’d understand the deep-set urge to never upset them.

But Hawk was cold and arrogant and self-centered. Pigs would probably fly before he ever opened up to a woman in any way other than getting his dick wet.

Hawk jerked his head toward the door. “Go. I got this. He’ll be awake by the time you get Bliss down here, but can you go check on Rebel’s spitfire of a sister while you’re up there? I wasn’t expecting to have to do this much doctoring today and I can’t clone myself.”

I watched him for a second, making his second set of neat stitches for the day. “You’re good at that.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Typical Hawk. I shook my head and walked away, searching for somewhere quiet to call Bliss, but first I needed to get all this blood off my hands. My fingers were sticky with it. I went to the little sink in the corner and turned on the faucet. I wet my hands, added a few pumps of antibacterial soap Hawk had insisted we buy, and lathered up.

A groan came from a curtained-off partition beside the one Hawk was working on. Hawk didn’t seem to notice, but I rinsed off my hands and pulled aside the curtain.

The man on the bed was covered in bandages, so many I could barely see any of his skin.

“Leave War his gun,” I called to Hawk. “Just in case this asshole wakes up. How is he anyway?”

“War? Or the Sinners’ prez over there, who’s probably going to die at any minute?”

I guess that answered my question.

“Don’t fucking let him die,” War gritted out. “I want to know everything he knows about Caleb Black. And everything he knows about my father and his involvement with any women they’re keeping at that house.”

We’d scraped Hayden ‘Chaos’ Whitling off the side of the road after he’d fallen out of the ambulance and been left for dead by Caleb. Kara had asked if he was still alive, and I hadn’t dared say yes, because there was no point in getting her hopes up.

Fact was, Hayden probably wasn’t walking out of here breathing, even if he did survive his injuries.

Sins didn’t go unpunished in this world.

Neither did Sinners.