Page 101 of Rebel Heart

Fang picked up my hand and squeezed it. “He’s reading as fast as he can, Pix.”

Vaughn was less sympathetic. “You interrupting every two minutes isn’t making this go any faster. Chill out.”

I flipped him the bird, which he accepted as easily as if he’d been expecting it. “I can’t chill when Caleb wants my niece, Vaughn! You chill!”

But although I was taking out my frustrations on him, we were both aware I wasn’t actually angry at him and none of this was his fault.

Kara sat with Hayley Jade in her arms. Kara’s eyes were red from crying, but a fierce expression morphed on her face as she quietly waited for Liam to finish going over the paperwork.

Liam ignored us all huddled around him, impatiently waiting for his legal opinion. It didn’t seem to be making him read any faster, though I was incredibly grateful for him coming over here the moment I’d called him in panic.

Eventually, Liam put the papers down and removed his reading glasses. He focused on Kara, directing his words to her, even though we were all desperate to know if Caleb truly had a claim on the baby.

“He has a case.”

My heart sank. “No! That scumbag piece of shit cannot have any sort of legal standing—”

Fang squeezed my hand.

I shut up.

Liam went on talking to Kara like I hadn’t just had an impulsive, emotional outburst in front of everyone.

“He’s her biological father. He has a home, a very good income—”

“That he gets at least in part from trafficking women,” Vaughn muttered under his breath.

Liam looked over at him. “I don’t think we can prove that unless that Luca guy wants to provide some evidence. I can’t see that happening, since he’d have to implicate himself too.”

“Considering Luca happily took our house and Vaughn’s business; I don’t think I’d count on any favors from him.” Kian protectively rubbed his big hand over Hayley Jade’s mostly bald head.

“I’ll testify,” Kara said eagerly.

“We will too.” Nova’s voice was strong and clear, full of determination.

Liam grimaced. “But do you have any actual proof of what happened? Photos? Paperwork? Video? Anything that we can take to a judge?”

Kara and Nova both fell quiet.

Liam sighed. “The system is messed up, I know. If Caleb was less well connected, we might have been able to make something stick on just your word. But this paperwork came from one of the most powerful law firms, not just in the state, but in the country. They’re going to dredge up every skeleton in your closets and use it against you. They’re going to use the fact you never went to the police as proof you’re making it up. They’re going to find every tiny thing you’ve ever done wrong in your life and spin it to drag your names through the mud and discredit anything you say.”

“All while making Caleb look squeaky clean,” Vaughn added in.

Liam nodded. “I’m not saying it’s hopeless. But I am warning you this isn’t good.”

This was my fault. I hadn’t gone to the police either, knowing they wouldn’t do anything. I’d never expected there to be a lawsuit where a police report, even if they’d never acted on it, might have helped. “I’m so stupid.”

Kara reached out a hand for me. “Don’t say that. You’re not. None of this is on you. You don’t take the blame for his evil.”

I nodded sadly, staring at the tiny baby girl in my sister’s arms. “Liam, she cannot go to Caleb. The things he’d do… We’d never see her again, I’m sure of it.”

“I know.” His mouth pressed into a grim line. “Kara, I can’t officially say this to you in any legal capacity, but take Hayley Jade and go. From what you’ve told me, your family farm is off grid? If Caleb’s lawyers can’t find you, even if it’s just for a little while, that’ll buy you some time. I’ll do what I can from here, and we’ll bring in our sister firm who more often deals with this sort of case. But for now, just go on with your plans to return home. Get Hayley Jade as far away from Caleb and Saint View as you can.”

“Kian and I can drive you all to the airport,” Vaughn offered, checking his watch. “You can still make your flights if we get moving now.”

But Winnie shook her head. “We already have a shuttle booked. They’ve been outside for the past fifteen minutes. I asked them to wait because I didn’t want to leave without Kara.” She gave Kara a sad smile. “Are you ready to go?”

Kara’s bottom lip trembled, and she flew into my arms, the baby safely nestled between us. It was right where I wanted to keep both of them forever, even though I knew it wasn’t safe here for either of them. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. “It’ll be okay, I promise. He won’t ever lay a finger on her. I won’t let that happen.”