My dad stands. I can tell hes going to break the bad news right now and I wince. "Im not going to send you away, sweetheart. "

"Youre not?"

"No. I got you a job. "



Moses had incredible negotiation skills. He made God The #1 Top Guy, change his mind about destroying all of the

Jewish people (Exodus 32:13). If that doesnt prove anyone can change the course of their life, nothing will. I wish I had Mosess negotiation skills when dealing with my dad.


"Amy, what are you doing here so early? Conversion class doesnt start for another ten minutes. "

Im standing in the doorway of Rabbi Glassmans office at Temple Beit Chaverim. The rabbi is reading over papers while he rubs his gray and black beard.

"I need to talk to someone," I tell him.

Putting his papers aside, Rabbi Glassman motions for me to sit at the chair opposite his desk. "Im always here to listen if someone needs an ear. Thats my job. "

"Listening to people complain?"

"Among other things," he says with a smile, then leans back in his large cushioned chair. "Whats on your mind?"

Lots of stuff, but Im going to pick out the top one bugging me. "I got in trouble. "

"With the law?" he prompts.

"With my dad. I took his credit card without his permission and now he wants me to pay him back the money I charged. " I look to the rabbi, to make sure hes not keeling over in shock or shame.

"What did you charge, if I may ask?"

I put my hands up. "I know this is gonna sound weird, but it was for a good reason. I signed up for PJSN. . . you know, the Professional Jewish Singles Network. Its a dating service. And I did it for my dad. "

The rabbis eyebrows raise up. "You signed your father up for a dating service without his permission?"

I nod. "He needs a wife. "

Rabbi Glassman sighs, then says in a quiet voice, "Amy, sometimes you have to let people choose their own paths in life. "

"Yeah, but what if theyre taking the wrong one?"

"Everyone makes mistakes. Even rabbis. Were all human. "

I seem to be making more than my share of human mistakes lately. "So youre saying I should let my dad live his life alone and lonely?"

"Nonsense. He has you, doesnt he? Some things arent measured by their size, but by their importance. "

"Thats very philosophical, Rabbi," I say, smiling.

"You caught me on a good day. "

I bite the inside of my cheek. "I havent had a lot of those lately. "

"Ah, but you cant appreciate a great day unless youve experienced bad ones. "

"Like Jonah had when God made the whale eat him?"

"I see youve been studying for class. "

I lean forward and whisper, "Yeah, although I dont really buy it all, Rabbi. Its a little far-fetched for me, if you know what I mean. Can I still be a Jew if my brain cant grasp around certain Bible stories?"

The reason I can talk to Rabbi Glassman honestly is because hes never judged me or laughed at my opinions or arguments in class. He makes me feel like everything I have to say is really important and smart. Even when Im disagreeing with him.

Rabbi Glassman leans forward and whispers back, "Amy, I think its far-fetched, too. "

My mouth goes wide. "You do? Dont worry, Rabbi. Your secret is safe with me. "

Rabbi Glassman smiles and says, "I think it all comes down to faith and trust. "

"In people?" I ask.

He shrugs, as if he doesnt have all the answers to all of his questions. "In people. . . in God. . . in yourself. Do you think you have faith and trust?"

I look up at him. "Should I answer that now?"

My rabbi shakes his head. "I dont know if youre ready to answer that yet. Why dont you think about it for a while and get back to me when youre. . . lets say. . . twenty years old. "

I stand up, taking in all the information Rabbi Glassman gave me as I leave his office. "See you at class, Rabbi," I call over my shoulder. "And thanks for the talk. "

"Any time," he calls back.

Five minutes later, Im in conversion class with five other people. Even though my father is Jewish, my mother isnt. Ive lived with my mom most of my life, and she raised me without any religion. I went to Israel this past summer and realized I was missing something in my life: being Jewish. So Im learning as much about my faith as I can.

Hence the conversion class.

We meet once a week. Rabbi Glassman has us read stories from the Bible and we discuss our opinions and reflect on the meaning or lessons behind the stories. He also teaches us about the different Jewish holidays and laws. The rabbi says a lot of Judaism comes from traditions. Since I dont really have any Jewish traditions, Im going to have to make up some myself.

Back at home, I take Mutt out then walk over to Perk Me Up! Yes, Im officially a Perk Me Up! employee, thanks to my father and Maria. My punishment is a job at my favorite café, and Im not thrilled about it.

Maria greets me with a huge smile. "Nice to see were all perky this evening. "

"Its been a long day. "

"Oh, then maybe Ill just have you sweep floors and wipe off tables so you dont have to interact with the customers. "

I put a fake smile on my face.

"Thatta girl," Maria says. "Thats what my customers like to see. "

Maria directs me behind the counter, has me sign forms, then holds out a yellow apron. "Here, put this on. You can shadow me until your shift ends. "

Yellow isnt really my color, but I hang the sunshiny thing around my neck and tie the wrap at my waist without complaint. Even though its seven oclock, there are still customers hanging out and ordering pastries. Theyre even drinking coffee this late, especially the ones who pull all-nighters.

The most all-nighters I see are lawyers. The ones who have to head to court in the morning or prepare for what they call depositions. Do you think the money they make is worth it for the amount of sleep theyre missing? Theres no way I could ever be a lawyer. I like my sleep too much.

After fifteen minutes, Maria hands me a white rag with antibacterial stuff on it and tells me to wipe off the tables.

I was really hoping to hide behind the counter all night until my shift was up, but Marias having none of that. Im just thankful she hasnt asked me to clean out the bathrooms so I shuffle over to the tables and start wiping them off.

I start cleaning the private nook where a couch and two cushy chairs are located, then I freeze. Sitting in the chair, reading, is none other than Nathan Keener s-not--my-last-name Greyson. He looks up and I can tell hes about as thrilled to see me as I am to see him. The cup stops short of his lips.

Ignoring the urge to confront him about spreading rumors about me, I hurriedly wipe his table before he sets whatever hes drinking back down.

"You missed a spot," Nathan mumbles. I huff. I did not miss a spot.

"All the tables are clean," I tell Maria back at the register.

She seems pleased as she does an eye scan of the café. For the next thirty minutes, Maria gives me the rundown on how to make the espressos, cold drinks, blended drinks, and tells me the particulars of some of her customers. She also explains how to use the cash register. Im dizzy from the information overload, but I think I got it. Or at the very least Ill make it look like I got it.

"You think you can hold down the fort for five minutes while I call in an order for more cups?" Maria asks. "And dont forget to smile. Remember, the café is called Perk Me Up!"

Just call me the Smiling Barista Extraordinare. Well, not really--I dont know how to "garnish," as Maria puts it, with cinnamon, nutmeg, and other fancy stuff. Ive been hanging out at Perk Me Up! ever since I moved in with my dad, so I pretty much know the basic routine. Its the non-basic that throws me off.

While Im counting how many cups we have left, the door to the café opens.

; My first real customer. I smile and look up then relax as I realize who my customer is.

My dad.

"Welcome to Perk Me Up!" I tell him in an overly formal tone. "Can I help you?"

He walks up to the counter and surveys the scene. "You look good as a working woman," he says, looking proud.

"Cut the crap. What do you want?"

I hear a gasp beside me. Oops, its Maria. And she cant see Im talking to my dad instead of a real customer. "Amy!" she chastises.

But when she reaches me, she breathes a sigh of relief.

"Boy, youve got tough employees," my dad says, then gives Maria a wink. "Okay, Amy, give me a large cup of your house coffee, black, with a shot of espresso. "

"Youre never gonna fall asleep," I tell him.

"Good. Ive got a lot of work to do tonight. "

Its a wonder my father isnt a lawyer. He never tells me the specifics of his work. I guess its cool that hes got a top-secret job, so I dont bug him about working late.

I pour the mixture into a cup while Maria watches me closely. She smiles as I finish; then I hand it to my dad. He takes a sip right away, not even waiting for it to cool off. "Best-tasting coffee Ive ever had in my life," he tells Maria, his overzealous reaction totally obvious.

I roll my eyes. "Aba, go sit down already. "

"Why dont you join him," Maria says. "Your shift is over.

"Ive only been here an hour. How can it be over?"

"Thats our deal," my dad chimes in. "An hour a day on the weekdays, three hours on Sundays. I didnt want it to interfere with your schoolwork. "

Eight hours a week isnt so bad, especially because Ill still have my Saturday nights free.

I hand Maria my yellow apron, but she says to bring it back tomorrow when I work. Then I grab my purse from the locked cabinet and sit down with my dad at one of the tables.

My dad takes out mail from his briefcase and starts rummaging through it. Im craning my neck to see if theres a letter from Avi. Its been over two weeks since Ive gotten one. Its unlike him.

"Well?" I ask.

My dad has this mischievous smile that gives it away. I hold my hand out. "Give. "

He holds out a letter and I snatch it out of his hand. My heart skips a beat and my stomach feels like little butterflies are flying around inside me as I run my fingers over the return address.

Since Avi and I have this long-distance relationship, I get insecure. When Im in bed at night, thinking about how much I miss him, I wonder: Did he forget about me? Has he met someone else whos cuter or nicer or just. . . doesnt have as many hang-ups as me?

Im feeling a bit better as I rip open the letter, but then notice my dad staring at me. . . gauging my reaction.

"Why dont you read it out loud," he suggests.

"Yeah, right," I say sarcastically. I stick the letter in my pocket, Ill read it later when Im in bed. . . alone.

"Wait!" Maria calls out as were about to leave. Shes holding a backpack. "Do you know that boy who was sitting on one of the chairs over there? He left this. "

"Its Nathans," I say. "Im sure hell realize it and come back to get it. "

"Dont be silly, Amy," my dad says. "You can return it to him on the way home. "